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Are you ready for some single mom dating tips that are going to teach you how to meet men as a single mom? Are you a single mom wondering how to meet men? I get it. I am a single mom, I want to meet guys as a single mom AND not just any ole busted behind guy, right? But a good one. From single mom to single mom I can read your mind right now.
You are a single mom, you have work to worry about, you have your kids to worry about, and you feel like you never have time to go anywhere or do anything for yourself. You may be restricted when it comes to time, energy, you do not feel right going to these clubs and partying your brains out. You are someone’s mother, so forget all of that dropping it likes it hot.
And more than anything you want to meet good quality men not just a man that is interesting in hitting it and quitting it. Does that sound about right? I told you I got you!
In this post I will give you some single mom dating rules and ideas on how and where to meet good quality men. But before we get started I do have to get some things out of the way. I understand that as a single mother you want to date and/or be in a relationship. But meeting a man is not an excuse to develop single mom syndrome and abandon your children so that you can find a man.
Remember you have obligations as a mother first. I also do not believe in chasing and running down men to date you. Desperation is not a good look as a single mom is not a good look. I am giving you tips on where to meet a man. I am not giving you permission to be desperate and chase after every man you see. I am giving you permission to put yourself out there in the right places to attract the right type of man. Also, check out my video for single moms and dating for more tips. And don’t forget to subscribe my YouTube channel by clicking here.
1. Single Mom Dating How To Meet Men As A Single Mom ~ Knowing Where To Meet Them
As a single mom your time without your children may already be limited. Therefore you want to try to incorporate the places you go as a natural part of your day without having to pay for a baby sitter or not being able to pick up your children from the after school program. Check out my video down below for activites you can do when you are a lonley single mom.
2. Single Mom Dating How To Meet Men As A Single Mom At Happy Hour
Single Mom Dating Meet Men At Happy hour. Happy hour is such a good idea because more people go after work, which means that you know men you meet there are more likely to have a job. Ideally as a single mother looking to meet a man you do not want a man with no job. I really feel you should know that but in this day and age you just never know. A man with no job will be like you taking care of another child (click to read my blog here on not taking care of a man).
And the bonus of happy hour is that you can go right after work and leave at a decent time to be home in time to take care of your children. If you can really plan a happy hour spot near your job or even near the place where you have to pick up your kid that is ideal. So it does not put you too much out of your way to get there. You can also check out my video down below for more single mom dating rules on how to meet men as a single mom.
Single Mom Dating ~ How To Meet Men As A Single Mom at Happy Hour Dos and Don’ts
- Do not get crappy drunk and or vomit all over the place.
- Do look like you came from work, click here for some from work to happy hour outfit ideas for under $25. You do want to look cute and still professional. Not boring and professional.
I actually have a FREE ebook for a year long capsule wardrobe where I give you outfit ideas and what you should have in your wardrobe that can help you out with this. Click here or the picture below to get it.
- Do go to a good professional restaurant for happy hour. It will increase your chances of running into those good caliber men we were talking about.
- Do not go to happy hour places where they are known for drugs and/or shootings, you want to come out of this alive.
3. Single Mom Dating How To Meet Men As A Single Mom At The Coffee Shop
Single Mom Dating Meet Men At The Coffee Shop. I understand that some moms do not have time to sit and go to happy hour after work, they may have to rush and pick up their children. So you can also try before work. Going into a coffee shop or Starbucks to have morning coffee is a great way to meet men. Also, it is more likely that men in coffee shops in the morning are also getting ready to go to their job. If you notice a key trend here is a man with a job. As a single mother that is the man you want because he shows responsibility.
How To Meet Men As A Single Mom at Coffee Dos and Don’ts
- Do be prepared with your appearance. Meaning that you should have your makeup on and your hair already done, you never know who you might see (click my blog here).
- Which means do not still be getting dressed in the coffee shop. There should be no scarf on your head or rollers in your hair. You should be fully dressed and dressed like you are about to go to work.
- Do look busy, bring a lap top or something. You also want to look like a productive member on society.
- Do not just randomly stare at men that you are interested in and try to will with your mind that they will notice you. That is scary. Remember no desperation, just putting yourself in position. You can smile, be friendly, but do not OVERKILL it with going over the top trying to come on to every man you see.
4. Single Mom Dating How To Meet Men As A Single Mom At The Bookstore
Single Mom Dating Meet Men At The Bookstore. The bookstore can be ideal for a self-trip or a kid trip. What I do NOT recommend is going to obviously troll for men with your children with you. But if you bump into one and he ask for your number no harm no foul. It is not like you are going to go make out in front of your kids in the book store.
Or I hope not. A book store can be good because they often have kids sections where your children can enjoy their time there to and it has all sections for men as well. As an added bonus many of them have a coffee shop and wifi. Feel free to enjoy some coffee, hook up to the wifi, and get some work done. Once again men who read are GOOD. That is what I mean by when I say single mother should look for a certain caliber of men. Ones that have positive habits, like reading.
How To Meet Men As A Single Mom at Book Stores Dos and Don’ts
- Do not openly flirt with a guy if your kids are with you. Make polite conversation and if he ask for your number give it. Do not plan dates in front of your kids or make sexual innuendos in front of them thinking that they do not know what you are talking about.
- Do not let your kids run all over the store while you scout for a man, you are still a mom, be a good mom and maintain supervision over your children.
- Do not follow men around the store or go into the men’s section when it is obvious that you do not belong there. That says desperate.
- Do go to the book store looking presentable, even if you want to look casual. Check out my blog here on how to be casual but still classy AND this blog on how to get your sexy back as a single mom.
5. Single Mom Dating How To Meet Men As A Single Mom At Work
Single Mom Dating Meet Men At work. I am not anti-dating people at work (see my blog here) as long as it is done right. Depending on the job you have there may be many agencies in the building in which you work. Go to the coffee shop in the building, the Cafeteria at work, if you work in the business district or a busy area then go outside a few times of week and sit and eat lunch there. It is a large chance other people i.e men will get on their lunch break, from their job, as well and you may strike up a conversation with one of them.
How To Meet Men As A Single Mom at Work Dos and Don’ts
- Do not get in trouble for sexual harassment by trying to come on to someone. It is better just to be their friend first and if they are interested in you, then they will ask you out.
- Do not start dressing really sexy at work to get attention. Dress nice and classy YES. But not super sexy.
- Do not openly sleep and or flirt with everyone at work, the last thing you want to do is to get a bad reputation for being the woman who just want to be with any man.
- Do not spend so much time with the man you like at work that you are actually considered a bad employee. As a single mother I am sure you need your job, maintain priorities.
- Do not let anyone know that you are interested and/or dating someone at work. It is no one business.
Also check out my video down below for more places to meet good quality men.
6. Single Mom Dating How To Meet Men As A Single Mom At The Gym
Single Mom Dating Meet Men At The gym. Men like to workout and if you like to work out or want to start working out then go to the gym. Once again as a single mother if you are pressed for time then try to go during your lunch break, before work, or right after work. Anytime is a good time for men to be at the gym. As a bonus there are many gyms who also offer childcare as apart of the membership fee, which for single moms is of course important.
How To Meet Men As A Single Mom at the gym Dos and Don’ts
- Do not come with spandex and no underwear underneath, so that you can see the skin of your butt. You can wear gym clothes, but do not be too skimpy or inappropriate. Come looking cute, but come looking like you are working out at the gym. Not like you are fishing for a man. You can check out my video down below for how to dress while at the gym.
- Do not get on the yoga ball and start doing sexually suggestive positions to it to get the man’s attention. Just be normal, workout, and if he is interested he will approach you no need to be extra.
- Do not go around to every cute man that you see and ask them to help you do this, help show you to do that, and to spot you. Once again just be NORMAL. If a man is really interested in you, he will approach you. No need to give him an extra hint that you are there. Trust me, men know.
I hope I was able to help you learn how to meet men as a single mom. But mostly importantly never let you wanting a man turn you into someone else. You have children and you have to wear the mommy hat and the woman who is ready for a relationship hat. Do go overboard with how you go about meeting men.
If you know someone who could use this information then feel free to share this post with them.
Did you know that I have a book specifically for single moms? To know more about my No Nonsense Single Mom’s Devotional then click here. Also click here or the picture below to Join my email list Sophie-stication Nation and you can get the first chapter for free.
Sophie, I am SO glad I found your website!! I have read dozens of your articles, and they are truly inspirational. You are every single mothers hero!!
While reading this blog post though, I felt the need to comment and to also share my little dilemma: My childless boyfriend (whom my two teenage daughters haven’t met yet) have been dating for four months, and meet for happy hour at a nearby restaurant occasionally. We live close to each other, both have great careers, frequent the same places, have the same friends, etc. He is considerate, kind, and generous. I see him a few times a week, but only when I am not doing things with my daughters.
But here’s my problem: I go to our local HH spot about once, occasionally twice, a week. He always meets me there. We have friends, some couples, that go regularly too. I leave and go home to my kids after 1-2 hours. Most of the time, he leaves when I do. On most days that I don’t go, he still does, but he stays 2 or 3 hours, sometimes longer. He always texts me throughout the night, and never keeps it from me, so I’m not sure why I have such a problem with it.
Do I want him to stay at home bored? No. Do I trust him? Yes, he hasn’t given me reason not to. And he’d be gone, if so. Am I jealous? Perhaps… but I know my kids come first, and there will come a time where they’ll be grown and I’ll have the freedom to do as I please. Right now it’s about them.
So why do I get so low-key aggravated when he goes out without me? I’m cool when he only has one or two drinks, but when he stays for more than an hour or two, and makes an evening out of it, I get undercover frustrated. He doesn’t have kids, doesn’t have the responsibilities that I do, so he should be able to do what he wants without me giving him a cold shoulder. Girl, I tell myself this all the time, but the Devil puts that bug in my ear still! ;( Help!!
I am happy you found my site too. If you go to my Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSlreed84 go to my single mom playlist and I am so sure that I have videos similar to this situation that can help you. Thanks for your comment.