To listen to the blog post “7 MUST READ Bible Verses On Being Single To That’ll Shift Your Mindset” over reading it then just click the play button below.
Single Christian Women want to end their singleness by any means necessary I get it. But as a single woman, I want you to look at the bigger picture.
This is why I am going to give you some Bible verses for lonely singles that will change your mood and hopefully change how you view your singleness. Because I know being a single Christian woman the struggle can be real. Some of your days may look like the following:
- Going to the single Christian ministry where it is 10 women to every one man. And all the single women fight over the single men.
- Going to Bible study, Church, prayer meetings, visiting other churches all in hopes of meeting a man.
- Going through a tedious beauty routine every time you go to church because you never know who you may meet.
- Greet every new male member in the church in hopes that he may be the one.
- Being a victim of the preying churchman. The man that only comes to church to victimize unsuspecting churchwomen.
But as you read through the following Bible verses I want you to remember this:
There are promises from God for single women, if you desire to get married, then God will give you the desires of your heart.
This is why quoting God’s word back to you can help you be reminded of some of those promises. To keep you from getting so lonely and down and out about your situation. Because at the end of the day you being single is NOT the end of the world.
Also, check out my video below for top tips for single Christian women, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel.
So let’s get into it:
Bible Verses On Being Single #1:
1 Corinthians 7:32-35 I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s “‘affairs” how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world” how he can please his wife” and his interests are divided.
An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world” how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.
What these Bible Verses On Being Single means for you as a single woman
When you get married, so many single women think marriage is so easy. It is not. Your husband will be in your face all the time. You have to tend to the family and make decisions as a team. Even when you do not want to and even when you do not agree with him. You cannot just do what you want. You have to take your husband’s opinion into consideration.
While you are single you have all the time in the world to do what you want to do and to figure out what God wants you to do. There are so many single women wanting to get married and there are so many married women wishing they were single again. Because being single brings its own benefits. So enjoy the single-season in your life and find a way to be purposeful in your singleness.
You can also check out my video on how to be single and wait with a purpose below.
Bible Verses On Being Single #2:
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
What these Bible Verses On Being Single means for you as a single woman
If you want to get married then trust that God will give you that. Do not fear or get upset that it is taking too long. Do not start screaming at God accusing Him of trying to make you be an old maid.
Instead, wait with expectancy. Know that if getting married is something that you want, then trust that God will give it to you at the right time. Until that time, do not fear that you will never get married and do not get all bent out of shape that you will never meet the right person. Instead, have FAITH that God will give you the right man at the right time.
I know that this can be very hard for my women over 30 when you feel like time is running out which is why I have a video specifically for you.
Bible Verses On Being Single #3:
Hosea 2:19-20 I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord.
What these Bible Verses On Being Single means for you as a single woman
God can be your husband You belong to God and you in a sense are his wife. Therefore you should never say that you have no one because you have God. And since you are betrothed to God, the only way that He is going to give you up is to a man that loves you like He (as in God) loves you. Take pride in being betrothed to God. That means you are his queen just knowing that should give you some relief that God has a wonderful king in store for you.
Bible Verses On Being Single #4:
Song of Solomon 3:5 Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.
What these Bible Verses On Being Single means for you as a single woman
I think perhaps I should have started out with this verse. Because so many women want to get married and want to be in love when really it is not even time for all of that yet. Many of you single women out there are not even ready for marriage and need to work on themselves. And when you get to the place that God wants you to be in then the love will come. But don’t try to force it before you are even ready.
Bible Verses On Being Single #5:
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
What this means for you as a single woman
Your first priority should not be looking everywhere for a husband. Instead, you need to seek God first. Once you make God your first and foremost priority that is when what you seek (marriage or relationship) will be added on to you. There is a hierarchy to this whole Christian thing. And remember God is always first.
Which is what I talk about in my video chase the purpose and not the man. If you are about YOUR life I am sure you will find a man in the process of that.
Bible Verses On Being Single #6:
1 Corinthians 7:17. And don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life.
What this means for you as a single woman
It does not matter if you are married or if you are single your relationship status does not define who you are. And whatever season you are in, even if it is single, then be content in it. Enjoy and live in the moment and stop wishing you were somewhere else.
If you are always looking for the next season in your life, then the current one you are in will pass you by and you will never enjoy anything. Because instead of being present in today you are looking forward to what is going on tomorrow, next month, next year, or even 5 years from now. Enjoy your season and don’t let life pass you by.
Bible Verses On Being Single #7:
Psalm 34:18. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted, he rescues those whose spirits are crushed
What this means for you as a single woman
A lot of the times when we have bad relationships or are broken up with we have emotional baggage. It is important that before just leaping and jumping from one man to the next that you are sure that you are healed from that broken heart.
And you lean on God to rescue you from whatever bad deposits were left on your heart by past relationships. That is what God is there for. To heal you when you are broken. You cannot expect to just jump into a new relationship if you are brokenhearted and are not in a place to get into a new relationship you need to heal from that first.
These were the 7 Bible verses for lonely singles that I hope will give you hope during your single season. Get up out of your loneliness and do something with yourself. If you know a fellow single woman that is struggling with her singleness then go ahead and share this post with her.
Plus, I have a book for single women that I know you will enjoy. Click here to buy it or you can click here or the picture below to get the firsBible Verses On Being Singlet chapter free.
Now this is The Benediction !
What about many of us single men that were really hoping to meet the right good woman to settle down with which so far hasn’t happened yet? It is like God really punished us for no reason, especially when we see how many other men were very lucky and blessed when they met their loved ones. Didn’t God say that man shouldn’t be alone? Well i agree. Peace.
Well, from my own point of view; I believe God time for you to settle down haven’t arrived yet. Probably he’s still expecting to do something in your life and such, haven’t been achieved yet. But with Faith backing it up with prayers and fasting, you will find her by Gods grace.
Well Mike, I am sure that it also applies to single men. God would never forsake us or forget about us. he loves us all the same. Mike, God loves you too and he knows what he has plan for each and everyone of us. it’s at his time and not ours. I don’t know who you are other than “Mike”, but I will keep you in my prayers, that God sends you the right woman.
Many Blessings
Anna P