To listen to the blog post “6 Tips For Creating A Vision Board That Gets Results” over reading it just click the play button below.
In this post, I am going to tell you the 101 basics on creating a vision board (according to the experts) that works. And then give you some examples of what I like to include on my vision board and how I actually achieved what was on it.
Creating a vision board does not have to be hard. You can do it however you want to. Online, on paper, whatever is your fancy then go ahead and do what you want. A vision board is about YOU and how YOU connect to it. So however you can manage to pull that off then that is what is most important.
Also, there is an art to creating a vision board. It is more than just merely slapping on some random stuff on a poster board and hoping for the best. Before you begin constructing your actual vision board there is one thing that I WANT you to remember. And in my opinion, it is the MOST important thing when creating a vision board. And that is:
1. Creating A Vision Board Remember Faith Without Works Is Dead
There is a key point that I really have to reiterate when it comes to vision boards. It is not about putting something up and looking at it all day, hoping that one day it will come and true. There has to be action toward your actual vision board.
Faith without works is dead (James 2:14). That means that you do not need to just look at something hope it will come true. You must still work at what is on your board and help it come true or put yourself in a position for it to come true. You can put being a doctor on your vision board all you want to but unless you go to medical school it is not going to happen. The board is not a genie, it requires a lot more effort than looking at it and making a wish.
I want you to consider watching my video on Madam CJ Walker. As a first generational free woman, homegirl had ALOT of faith that one day she was going to live next to Rockefeller, which she did. Her faith combined with her works is what got her there. And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
2. How to create a vision board ~ According to Expert Jack Canfield
Also known as dream boards, these simple devices are one of the most valuable visualization tools available to you. The inspirational collages serve as your image of the future “ a tangible example, idea or representation of where you are going. They should represent your dreams, your goals, and your ideal life. A vision board is a visualization tool that refers to a board of any sort used to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams.
The best way to achieve your goals is to keep them top of mind, so you’re always looking for ways to move yourself closer to them and a vision board is the perfect tool to help you do that. By putting a vision board somewhere you can see it every day, you will prompt yourself to visualize your ideal life on a regular basis. And that’s important because visualization activates the creative powers of your subconscious mind and programs your brain to notice available resources that were always there but escaped your notice.
Your brain will work tirelessly to achieve the statements you give your subconscious mind. And when those statements are the affirmations and images of your goals, you are destined to achieve them! “ Jack Canfield
3. How to create a vision board – According To Elizabeth Rider
Creating a sacred space that displays what you want actually does bring it to life. What we focus on expands. When you create a vision board and place it in a space where you see it often, you essentially end up doing short visualization exercises throughout the day. Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do.
Whether you believe that or not, we know that visualization works. Olympic athletes have been using it for decades to improve performance, and Psychology Today reported that the brain patterns activated when a weightlifter lifts heavyweights are also similarly activated when the lifter just imagined (visualized) lifting weights. So, what’s the big secret to creating a vision board that works? It’s simple: Your vision board should focus on how you want to feel, not just on things that you want.
Q: Creating a Vision Board ~ What should I put on my vision board?
A: Anything that inspires and motivates you. The purpose of your vision board is to bring everything on it to life. First, think about what your goals are in the following areas: relationships, career and finances, home, travel, personal growth (including spirituality, social life, education), and health.
Q: Creating a Vision Board ~ How often should I re-do my vision board?
A: Whenever it feels right. I often leave blank space on my vision board so I can accept new things as they appear in my life, and add and rearrange during the year when I feel it. You’ll just know. Then, every December, I give the board a total refresh to get clear about what I want in the new year. Some things stay and some have served their purpose and don’t make the cut.
4. Creating A Vision Board – Key Points To Take Away From The Experts
- Put things on there that represent you and where you want to be.
- Put things on there that you actually want to achieve.
- Put things on there that have a purpose and are not shallow. You can have things of luxury but try to have meaningful things of luxury. Not things like you want a cheetah and a diamond leash to walk it. Be for real.
- Do not just look at your board, look at your board, and actively work toward your board.
- Put your vision board in a place that you have to regularly look at it on a daily basis.
5. Creating A Vision Board Tips Into Action
Given the above tips from the experts on creating a vision board, I want to show you some examples of what I personally put on my vision board and tell you why. This way you can get an idea of what you want on your vision board. For me, I put my vision board on the computer, it is the picture above.
AND I saved the picture on my phone. I always have my phone on me so I can just pull out my phone and look at it. Or even put the picture as the actual home screen on my phone or my computer. That way I have regular contact with it. This vision board was from 2016 I regularly update this post to show the progress that I have made on my board.
Creating a vision board ~ Including Carrie Bradshaw
She is on my vision board because I love her and the fictional character that she is. I do not want to be running around having sex in the city or getting into bad reckless relationships. But what I do want from her is her fashion sense.
Her ability to put outfits together and stand out with her own unique style. I also want her job. Well, maybe not her exact job as a sex columnist. But I love to write and I think that being able to work for yourself doing what you love is the wonderful thing and the thing that a strive for, which is why she made my board. She stands for a woman that is her own, unique in her own right. She has an amazing set of friends that are all successful as well and those are the same things that I want in my life.
Notice how you are reading this blog right now and that is the action step behind what is on my board.
This is also why this laptop writing made my board. Remember faith without works is dead and notice the few examples that I have in which I am implementing my passion to become a writer for example this blog and currently, I have the best selling book Single mom book on Amazon (click here to see all my products) and my books.
Along with writing, I want to speak. I want my voice to be heard and I love to help people. Once again hence why you are reading this blog. I WANT to point out something. That I have these goals but notice that I am not just sitting in my living room hoping. Even as you read this blog, it is a catalyst to make what I see on my dream board come true. My action step is getting back on YouTube, to get more engaged in speaking. Click here to subscribe to my channel.
Creating a Vision Board ~ Including Porsha Williams
I love her but make no mistake about it I do not want to be like her. But what I do want is that body. I feel like her body signifies healthy. She does not look like she is starving, she still has curves, and this is why she made the board. I have gained so much weight I want to lose weight but, I do not want to look like I am emaciated. I want to keep my curves but still have a flat stomach. UPDATE: Since the creation of this vision board I am down 50 POUNDS! I got body sculpting done (click here) but also because I changed my actual diet routine (click here).
Also, check out my video below on where I lost over 50lbs and what prompted me to do so.
Healthy Eating
Which is why I added healthy eating. I have done so many diets. I use to have an issue with eating whatever and however, I want. But I needed to make an actual lifestyle change and eat in a healthier way and be motivated to do that. Which I have been able to do since the creation of this board and now maintain my weight loss.
Who does not want money? But money for me is beyond the love of money. I do not want money so that I can buy a bunch of overpriced things and then post them on social media to show how much money I have. It is more than that for me. It is about wanting financial freedom to do things I want to do.
To travel, save up for my son’s college fund, or have once in a lifetime experience. And I would like to make the money the way that I want to make it, by working for myself. Anyone can work for themselves but the real question is are they successful at it and do they make money doing it?
This ties into money. I want to travel. I love to travel. Being a military brat I have had the opportunity to travel all over the world and I love it. I think traveling is one of those things that you should enjoy in life and I want to do it in style and with my family. This is why I have that awesome overwater bungalow because that is the type of travel that I want to do. Since the creation of this blog I have stepped out of faith and done some traveling as they are listed below:
- New Orleans Essence Festival Get The VIP Experience On A Budget
- How To Plan A Family Friendly Trip On Time Square For New Year’s Eve
- How To Plan An Affordable Family Vacation In California
- Myrtle Beach Vacation ~ Budget Friendly Ideas
- My First New York City Trip. Where to Eat and Where to Go! Budget Friendly.
- Universal Studios Vacation, Is It Worth It?
- Spending New Years Eve In DC.
A mansion
I have always wanted to build an empire enough so that I could afford a nice contemporary modern home and that is what this amazing mansion represents to me. I am not there yet, but once again notice all of the action steps I am doing to get me there.
Mystery Man & Marriage
I am a single but of course, I do want to get married at the right time. Sometimes I can get so busy with my life, doing me, that I forget about the relationship aspect of my life. The mystery man is a reminder that I need to take time to remember the relationship and that God does have someone out there for me. Hence the mystery.
In the meantime, I have chosen to level up myself to attract the type of man I want to marry which I talk about in my video below.
6. Creating a Vision Board – Always Remember
There we have it the art of creating a vision board that works. If you notice my vision board is not some fancy art gallery project. Really whatever and however you make a vision board you must remember:
- You just need to make it work for you. It can be digital, paper, words, or however, you want.
- It needs to be representative of your goals and the images have to be something specific to you.
- You need to be able to encounter your board on a regular basis. You can hang it up, put it on your phone, computer, or wherever.
- Faith without works is dead. Always work toward what is on your board and never just think that looking at it is enough.
If you know someone that needs help with a vision board or even planning out there goals and their life then PLEASE feel free to share this post with them
Also, consider checking out my Christian Manifestation Guide with 29 affirmation and Bible versions that will help you achieve and visualize your goals. Click here to get.
I love visionary boards!!! They are awesome!
Yeah they are!