To listen to the blog post: “6 Signs That Your Chasing A Man & Forcing A Relationship” over reading it just click the play button below.
If you are waiting for the right man then that is exactly what you need to do WAIT. What you don’t need to do is to start chasing a man and start forcing a relationship. Of course, there are some things that you can do to put yourself in the right position to meet the right men BUT some women think they are waiting for a man when in fact they are on the hunt and are chasing a man down like a cheetah hunts for its prey.
I have always said women are not meant to chase. So when a woman chases and it does not work out they are left crying to themselves to sleep every night wondering what went wrong. What when wrong is that you were doing ALL the chasing.
Now, also sad to say that many women do not know the difference between waiting and chasing. But as I have said time and time again, too much chasing and being TOO overbearing will make you look like a desperate woman.
And a desperate woman is a woman that men don’t want to be with. In case you are confused about what category you fall into and you are not sure if you are waiting or chasing. In true form, I am going to break it down to you and tell you the difference. Also, check out my video below on why you should chase your purpose and not the man, and when you do the man will come and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
Are You Chasing A Man & Forcing A Relationship – #1 Remember Keep Your Wits
Chasing a man and forcing a relationship looks like this: This woman tries to make a husband out of any man she sees everywhere she goes. He could have just said hello to her and she is automatically picturing what their future kids will look like. She tries to force a romantic situation with him even though she does not really know him that well yet and even though he shows “red flags” she tends to overlook them because she wants him to be the one.
Waiting for a man and letting it happen naturally looks like this: What the waiting-woman knows, is there is no point in creating a fictitious wedding in your head if you have not even said hello. If it ever gets to the point that a man speaks to her and shows interest.
The waiting-woman analyzes him and the situation to determine if the man is worth her time. She does not get so caught up in a man showing her attention that she overlooks flaws in a man’s character. She always maintains her wits about when meeting a man to determine if he is in fact the man she has been waiting for.
Chasing A Man & Forcing A Relationship #2 Be Good With Being You
Chasing a man and forcing a relationship looks like this: She gives him much more time than he deserves, laughs at all of his jokes, and transforms herself to make herself into what he wants her to be. If he wants her to weigh 10 pounds, she develops an eating disorder to get to that weight. If he doesn’t eat meat she does not eat meat. If he wants to convert to the religion of worshiping the devil so does she.
Waiting for a man and letting it happen naturally looks like this: She is comfortable with herself and who she is. She does not feel the need to change to become what a man wants her to be. She understands that when the right man comes along he is going to love her for her and she is not going to have to change who she is to make him like her.
“A waiting woman is not pressed and she does not try to conform herself to a man; instead she determines if the man is willing to accept her as is. “
Also, check out my video below on what to do when you are waiting and single.
Chasing A Man & Forcing A Relationship #3 She Is Not Too Pressed
Chasing a man and forcing a relationship looks like this: The chasing woman goes to the single’s Bible Study, the Jewish singles club, the interracial dating meet up, as well as 3 other speed dating events for the week. Everywhere she goes she needs to make an effort to at least speak to at least 10 men at each place because she wants to maximize her efforts of meeting the one.
Whenever she enters the room she makes a visual list of all the men in there, the ones that are not wearing a ring, and when she is out she has to approach each and every one of them to the scope of their relationship situation. In fact, she will rarely even go anywhere if she knows that she has no potential in meeting a man.
Waiting for a man and letting it happen naturally looks like this: The waiting-woman lives her life and does what she wants to do. She is too busy traveling, getting an education, living her life out to the fullest. If she meets a man on the way then great, if not, oh well. She does not do activities to find a man, she does them to make herself happy. This is what I like to call purposeful singleness and I have a video on it that you can watch below.
Chasing A Man & Forcing A Relationship #4 A Man Is Not Her Savior
Chasing a man and forcing a relationship looks like this: Thinks that once she finds a man that her life with get better. If she has children she does not do anything with them because she wants them to have a “male” role model at home before she takes them somewhere (Click my blog here on the mom who put a man before her kids).
She puts her entire life on hold and never does anything to better herself because she is under the impression that a man is just going to come in, sweep her off her feet, and make her life better. Therefore, when she dates a man she puts all of herself into him thinking that he is the sole source of her happiness. And then when he leaves, the woman goes crazy, is severely depressed, and takes a combination of anti-depression medication and alcohol to numb herself from the pain.
Waiting for a man and letting it happen naturally looks like this: She has gotten at 3 degrees, bought a house, and is moving up the career chain. She understands that a man is not going to rescue her from her life but she is waiting for the right man to add on to the awesome life that she already has.
She understands the more that she moves up the more likely it is that she will find a man that is on the same level that she is. She does not expect a relationship to complete her. She understands that she is complete and happy on her own, the right man will just be an added bonus.
Chasing A Man & Forcing A Relationship #5 She knows when it cut things off
Chasing a man and forcing a relationship looks like this: The chasing the man-woman meets a loser. Deep down she knows that he is a loser but yet she stays in this “relationship” (which is code work for sex partner) with him (Click here to read more on dating versus a relationship) because she does not want to be alone. Every day she prays to God that Billy will leave his wife and make an honest woman of her. She prays that God will open his eyes and make the loser the one. (Click here on how to pray for your future husband).
Waiting for a man and letting things happen naturally looks like this: The loser is not even a factor. Once she found out that he was married and had no job, the waiting-woman left the loser alone. The loser did not even get past the first date with this woman. In fact, whenever the waiting-woman is in a relationship with a man or is dating a man and she finds that he is not a good fit for her, she cuts it off in a heartbeat. She does not try to make the wrong one into the right one.
Chasing A Man & Forcing A Relationship #6 She Has Some Morales
Chasing a man and forcing a relationship looks like this: When going on the first date it is not even a date. She settles for a Netflix and Chill-type situation. This woman goes to his house in the morning and all the conversation is focused on sex. She finally gives him a blow job and has sex with him so that he can see what a wonderful and talented woman she is. Once he is done having sex with her, he tells her to go home because he does not like women spending the night at his house.
Waiting for a man and letting things happen naturally looks like this: She knows her worth, she will not get caught up in a bad situation with a man that she feels is using her. She maintains boundaries and does not get caught up in a sex-only type of situation. She lets the man know her expectations, what she is looking for, and how she wants to be treated.
The conversation is not focused on sex, but rather the waiting women listen to the man and what he is saying. And from a meaningful conversation, she determines if they have anything in common and if he is a man that could potentially turn into the right one for her.
The waiting-woman is a smart woman. She is not a woman that is pressed to be noticed by a man. And even though she is waiting for Mr. Right, she is not sitting around and letting life pass her by. The waiting-woman, when not dating is constantly improving herself and becoming that woman that all men want to be with.
That way she does not have to settle for anyone but have a choice of men that are good for her just like she is good for him. And last, but not least for some additional encouragement check out my video below on when you are tired of waiting and feel hopeless.
If you know someone a woman who is waiting for Mr. Right or a woman that is chasing that needs to read this post then go ahead and share it with her.
For all of you single ladies, I have a treat. It is my book Fix It, Jesus! For Single Women Only. The Straightforward No-Nonsense Guide To Dating, Relationships, and Self Improvement. The book is not free but the first chapter is. If you click here or the picture below then you read the first chapter of my amazing book for single women for free. I know it is something you will enjoy.
So many women do not understand this! And it is very hard to do. I even had friends that don’t understand why I don’t date. I don’t chase, but I will patiently wait. Continue to work on myself, raise my kids, and enjoy my life instead of focusing my life on who I will marry!