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In this post I am going to teach you how to glow up fast. The glow up is it is not as hard as you think and you can start right where you are. As time goes on you can improve but literally you can go from looking busted to glow up in the matter of moments, like legit, they do not make those makeover shows for nothing, if they can do it in a segmant of show then so can you. You just need to know where to start.
And of course I feel I am the perfect person to teach you how to glow up because I did a glow up. You can see my before and my after but this did not happen in a day but instead I took little glow up baby steps in the process until I reached my maximum glow up. So, feel free to watch my level up video below on my glow up process. And subscribe to my channel here.
And so, I am here to tell you that your glow up does not have to years, you can glow up right now. The key to a fast glow up is understanding that you don’t have to “look a certain way to reach a glow up.” A glow up is not looking like Kylie Jenner, it is not having plastic surgery, it is about a certain demeaner.
It does not mean that you have to be super skinny or go to the grocery store looking like you belong in fashion week. I think that no matter what your style is and no matter your size is you can get your sexy back, glow up, and present yourself to the world in a way that makes YOU happy. Which is why it can be done so fast. Now let’s get into the tips shall we?
1. How To Glow Up Fast ~ Take a Look At Yourself & What You Want To Improve
In order to learn how to glow up fast, take a look at yourself. And it you really need to be honest with yourself. Step in front of the mirror and see where things are going wrong. If you look in the mirror and think that you need to loose weight then be honest with yourself and say that. At one point I had gained so much weight I was heavier than I was when I was nine months pregnant. That symbolized a problem and I needed to be honest with myself about it and not make excuses for my excessive weight gain and not being able to fit into my clothes.
I am not telling you that you need to go into the mirror and unrealistically tear yourself apart so that you develop a self-esteem issue. I am saying look at yourself and see where things are going wrong for you that you want to improve. And start to come up with a plan on how to improve them. Most people are always talking about when they are going to glow but never take action nor do they actually know what they want to glow up. So they never really take action because they do not know where to start.
But know where you want to start is the first key to fixing it, when I realized that I finally needed to work on my skin for my glow up it was easy to focus on that. First, I wore makeup to give my skin a flawless appreance and that it the “quick” glow up. But then I also worked on my skin regime to make my skin better over all. Wearing makeup can give you an instant effect of a glow up but this is about glowing up for real, and so having a plan for the aeras you want to improve are key. Also, check out my blog on doing a self assement to do a deep dive on where you need to improve.
2. How To Glow Up Fast ~ Get Some Confidence
How to glow up fast the second tip is about your confidence. After you take a look at yourself and realized there was somethings you need to work on you may feel like crap. But even at my heaviest weight you could not tell me that I was not bad, bad as in good. Let me tell you a secret. You can convince people of how awesome you are based on how awesome you feel your are. You can litearlly convince other people of your glow up if you believe you are already there.
Low self-esteem is apparent in your body language, the way you talk to people, and how you act. The same is true when you have confidence. I do not care what is wrong with you, you still need to feel good about yourself (see my blog here). If you do not feel good about yourself in your current state then no matter what you fix you will still develop a new set of issues.
That is because low self-worth comes from within. If you are not confident about your glow up them fake it until you make it. Start to walk, talk, and dress with confidence and you will notice how people react to you and then you will start to believe what you are putting out. You can also check out my video below on how to be more confident no matter what.
3. How To Glow Up Fast ~ Care About How You Look
The third tip on how to glow up fast is to care about how you are stepping out of the house. I tend to wear a full face of make up when I leave the house. It is what I like to do. Am I saying that it has to be what you like to do? No. What I am saying is when you leave your house you need to look like a put together woman.
I do not care if you are going to the grocery store. Your clothes needs to be matching, you hair needs to be presentable, if someone was to see you they still need to say to themselves “Wow that is a nice looking woman.” You can watch my 10 minute get ready with me routine below to see how to do this and click here to get the beauty bag in the video.
Now however you manage that is up to you. You can even look casual and still look put together. I always say that putting on pajama pants and a sweat shirt takes the same amount of effort as putting in some jeans and a nice shirt. One you will look like you put effort in your apperance, the other you will look busted. If affordable clothes is an issue, check out my blog on how to shop at the thrift store.
If not having style is an issue check out my blog on how to find your own personal style. Just looking like you care how you look and putting that extra effort in your apperance goes a long way. Check out my mix and match blog here or watch my video I mean literally from joggers to a printed tee can help you look fashionable, a glow up does not mean super expensive clothes but how you present yourself in how you put together your clothes.
My point is that no matter where you go you can put some effort in your appearance. No matter if you dress up or if you dress down. People should still be able to look at you and say wow she looks good. Even in jeans.
4. How To Glow Up Fast ~ When You Glow Up Your Body is Your Temple
If you want to know how to glow up fast remember your glow up is your glow up. Not everyone wants to be a size 2. For example, for myself, I do not want to be a size two. I like having curves and I like womanly features. But as I have gotten older I learned that you must take care of your body. You do not have to eat right because you want to lose weight. You should want to eat right because you want your body to last for a very long time.
When you get your sexy back then understand that your body is part of that sexy. You want it to look its best and you want it to feel its best. When you start eating right, drinking water, and caring about what you put in your body. You will be amazed at how much better you feel. And your outward swag is a part of your sexy.
When you bounce around on the street looking energized and fresh faced, then people will take notice. When you are stuck on eating fast food and drinking yourself into a coma, then your face will look tired and you will have bags under your eyes. That is not sexy. Take care of your temple from the inside and it will show on the outside. Check out my blog post on how I lost 6 pounds in a week, still eating and with no exercise. See in one week you can make progress toward your glow up if you want to lose weight 6 pounds in a week can mean alot. Check out my video on my weight lost and honoring your temple.
5. How To Glow Up Fast ~ Take Care of Your Skin
The next tip on how to glow up fast is to take care of your skin. As I mentioned I wear a full face of makeup every day, and there was a time that I neglected my skin. I was looking sexy because of the makeup, but slowly but surely my skin got worse and the makeup was not as effective. That is because I was not taking care of my skin. As I get older I know that having a good skin routine is the best thing you can do, to keep yourself looking young.
Drink plenty of water. Also check out my blog post on products that can help acne prone skin. Use face mask, sun screen, and moisturize your face. The last thing you want is for your skin to look old and dried out before its time. So take care of you. Your face is what is presented to the world first, that is why you want it to look its best.
I mean think about it, when you think about glowing up then you want your body to best the best in its natural form, that is a real glow up not a bunch of fake looking sythentic women. Just making changes in your skin will help you naturally glow. The skin on my body has a bit of a glow to it when I just started eating right. When you go back to the Bible story of Daniel he said the following:
Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see.” So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. David 1:12-14
So legit in 10 days Daniel noticed a change in his apparence, your diet can help your glow up by keeping your skin healthy, less bags under your eyes, and keeping your skin looking youthful, click here to learn more about the Daniel diet.
6. How To Glow Up Fast ~ Keep it Classy
The last tip for how to glow up fast is to keep it classy. Never mistake a glow up for a hoe up. For letting it all hang out and showing your breast and your butt. That is not a glow up, a glow up is classy not trashy. Sexy and classy should go hand and hand. Just because sexy has the word sex in it does not mean that you should go around oozing sex looking like a walking and talking prostitute ready to give it up to the next man that tells you hi. Keep is classy (see my blog here on how to be classy) that is the best form of sexy that you can be.
When I say classy I mean classy in how you dress, how you act, how to speak, and even how you present yourself on social media (so forget the half naked Instagram shots). Just by getting up in the morning putting on a classy outfit, watching what you say and not being all loud and cursing, crossing your legs when you sit, or speaking like you have a brain (and I know you do) helps you glow up alot and very fast. Try it for one day and see how people notice. Which I also have a video on down below on how to act like you are on your grown woman status.
If you know someone who could use this information then feel free to share this post with them.
Also, if you need help with your fashion and how to glow up fast then you may want to consider getting my 100% free year long capsule wardrobe ebook. That will teach you how to be classy and stylish on a budget. Just click here to download now.
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