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In this post, I am going to try to answer the question of why does God allow suffering because most people do not understand it. God and suffering seem like an oxymoron. If God is love and God loves us then why does he want us to suffer?
1. Why Does God Allow Suffering ~ What God Has To Say About It?
When we ask why does God allow suffering I would love to give you a really simple two-word answer as to why God allows suffering. If there is something regarding your specific situation then I suggest you just ask God on your own. Whenever you want to know something the best person to ask is God Himself through the Holy Spirit. And if you do not know what the Holy Spirit is or how it works (click here to read my blog for more). Or you can watch my video below on how to hear from God.
We know that suffering happens and I can give you the answers that God had revealed to me about why He allows suffering but it may not be the same answer for you. So the only way to know for sure is to cultivate the relationship with God on your own and then ask Him on your own so you can get an answer that is specific to you.
Case in point ~ Why Does God Allow Suffering Me
There was a time in my life where everything was going to crap (click here to read) and I just did not understand why I was suffering like this. As I always do I was having my talking session with God also known as prayer. My topic of discussion with God was why in the world was my life going to crap and why was I suffering like this. I was a good person, I was a Christian, I loved God, and what did I do to deserve to suffer?
The same question that I got from God is the same answer I am going to get to you. God told me that if we did not have pain then how could we ever know or understand the true dynamic of pleasure. It sounded like such a “God-like” answer. But I needed a full explanation and so God gave me this.
Our time on Earth is only temporary. Although to us it seems like what we are going through seems like forever or like we have been in hardship for a long time. To God, He sees our time here on Earth as literally a blink of an eye. We are to spend eternity in heaven if this is where we choose to go and in heaven that is where things will be perfect.
God explained to me that when people finally go to heaven that they are thankful, grateful, and appreciative of the perfection of it. The reason being is because they remember what Earth was like. The hardships, pain, trials, and tribulations. So when they enter a world that has none of that, they are in awe of the perfect environment that God has created for them, in which no negativity exists. Also, check out my video below on why we must glory in our suffering, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
2. Why Does God Allow Suffering Bible Verses Adam & Eve
This brought me to my next question.
I asked God, why even put humans on Earth at all, why could He not create a world in which everything was perfect?
Once again as soon as I asked the question God answered me, telling me that He did. This is what the Garden of Eden was all about. When God created Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, it was a slice of heaven here on Earth. But soon Adam and Eve began to take this perfect place for granted.
Adam and Eve had no pain and trouble. They did not have to work, hunt, or do any hard labor. They did not even know that this was a possibility because God had shielded them from that. They could not appreciate the goodness of God because to them, the world in which they lived was normal. They did not want for anything. The only condition that God set upon Adam and Even was that they not eat from the forbidden tree.
“But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Genesis 2:17
They knew that they could die if they ate from the tree. But I am convinced that they did not understand death. Everything in their life and everything that they have ever experienced had been perfect. Even though they had been told about the pain that would occur if they ate from the tree, they could not fathom the idea of pain because they had never seen or experienced pain. Therefore, when the serpent told them that they would not die when eating from the tree, they would become more like God. Eve freely ate. She probably thought, “what is the worse that could happen?”
The worse that could happen was that pain and sin entered the world and this is the way the world is today. In fact, before Adam and Even came onto planet Earth, God had a similar experience with the devil. It is interesting that God creates something (people and the devil), and both chose to rebel.
3. Why Does God Allow Suffering Bible Verses About Satan
The Bible states these things about Satan:
“I ordained and anointed you as the mighty angelic guardian. You had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire.” You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, Till iniquity was found in you…You became filled with violence within, And you sinned; Therefore I cast you as a profane thing Out of the mountain of God” Ezekiel 28:14-16
I bet you never thought of Satan as one of God’s most beautiful creatures? That is until he was filled with pride and instead of wanting to serve God, he wanted to become God. I think that Satan had a lot in common with Adam and Eve. That is being one of God’s most wonderful creations and due to their own sinful actions were cast out. I have a video that you can watch below. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
Satan lived in a perfect world. He lived in complete and utter perfection in heaven. He soon became ungrateful for the things that God had created for him and had done for him because he did not know the other side of the spectrum.
And so he took God for granted and taking God for granted soon left him feeling entitled. He soon felt that because he was special and God made him different than he was somehow better than God. And so he went around heaven turning some of the other heavenly creatures against God. Until God had to put a stop to it. And God cast all of them out and into a world that was separate from God. One in which he would not have God, God’s favor, or God’s provisions.
Sounds familiar. Does it not parallel the ideal of Adam and Eve getting cast out of the Garden of Eden? They chose to believe Satan and think that by eating from the tree that they would become like God. Similar to Satan who wanted to be like God and thought that he was better than God because of the position that God gave him in heaven.
4. Why Does God Allow Suffering ~ To Keep Us Humble
One of the reasons why does God allows suffering is because you see God tried to give us a life of perfection. With no hardships or pain. But this leads to a sense of entitlement and ungratefulness. That means that we would also look over what God was doing for us because we somehow believe we deserve it or are entitled. And that is everything GOD is not about. Also, check out my video down below for more on the spirit of entitlement.
5. Why Does God allow suffering ~ Final Thoughts
Why does God allow suffering, because with suffering, and God bringing us out of that suffering (read my blog here), we get a better understanding of God, and we get a better understanding of who He is and what He does for us. Of course, it is not ideal, but let’s give God a break. He tried to let us live in perfection but it just didn’t work out.
And because man sin (blame it on Adam and Eve) it is not that God allows suffering, but rather we brought the suffering on ourselves and now we have to pay the consequences of our actions. I know that this is such an overly complicated answer and you expected it to be something else. In the end, suffering makes us stronger (see my blog here) and suffering makes up lean into God harder (see my blog here).
So perhaps there is not just a one-word answer on why does God allowing suffering. It is perhaps a multidimensional answer. In which we just have to trust God. But know more than anything that Earth is temporary and does not last always which means our suffering is only temporary.
If you know someone who is also wondering why does God allow suffering then go ahead and share this post with them.
Also, I have something for you and it is only 99 cents. It is my ebook on Spiritual Fasting. Whenever I need an answer from God or for God to move on my behalf fasting has always been the answer. Click here to buy or to read about how fasting can change your life.
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