To listen to the blog post: Why Being A Ride Or Die Chick Is Just Plain Stupid over reading it just click the play button below.
So many women have fed into the ride or die chick mentality. This is why in this post I am going to explain why the ride or die chick mentality is a complete and utter bull. Before you get all up and arms and get offended because you call yourself a ride or die chick I want you to consider something. If someone wants you to be their ride or die you need to ask yourself are they willing to ride or die for you.
And if someone wants you to be their ride or die then you need to evaluate what they want you to ride or die through? Do they want you to ride or die through cheating, lies, and his inability to keep a job, to give him money when he needs it, or to hold him down because he cannot seem to get his own life together?
That is not a ride or die that is called being a fool. Because so many men want you to be a ride or die through their foolishness so many women have bought into this mentality because they want to prove their love to their man, to earn the coveted title of riding or dying through every single thing that life throws their way.
Before we get into the post, be sure to check out my video about the man child, because these are the same exact men that want that “ride or die” chick. And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel just click here.
With that being said I am going to explain to you:
The biggest mistakes of the ride or die chick AND Why The ride or die chick mentality is a bunch of bull
You ready let’s get into it.
The biggest mistakes of the ride or die chick #1 Trying To Prove Yourself
A bad habit that we women tend to make is that we go above and beyond for a man to try to prove to him how awesome we are. The man may tell you about his ex, he may tell you what she did not do, her mistakes, and so the thought process that goes through the woman’s mind is that I am going to be different from all the women that he has been with and, therefore, I am going to do this, that, and the third to PROVE to him that I am better than all the rest.
- Some women make so many excuses for why men are the way they are.
- His mom left him when he was younger.
- He never had a real relationship before.
- He just does not know how to love.
- No woman has loved him the way that I am going to love him.
And then you try to overcompensate as a woman to fix all of these wrongs that you feel has gone on in his life so that you can prove that you are a ride or die. When really you are just making excuses for his own shortcomings. And what you fail to realize it is not up to you to prove yourself or to fix all the past wrong done to him. That is called being co-dependent it is up to a man to fix his own baggage not you.
The biggest mistakes of the ride or die chick #2 Trying to be the man
So many ride or die women take care of their man like he is their child. Their man cannot keep a job, their man cannot pay the bills, their man does nothing but sit on the couch all day and suck up their air conditioning, the man makes every excuse under the sun a to why he cannot maintain his own life.
And so the misguided attempt of a ride or die chick will pay for everything, pay for his clothes, shoes, and even buy him a car. Because she wants to take care of her man-child.
She says to herself that he is going through a hard time right now and so she must hold him down. Let me ask you a question.
If as a woman you can find a job, keep a job, pay your own bills, and you are holding down your life on your own then why should you not expect the same from your man? If you can do it, then he can do it.
BUT instead the ride or die chick makes excuses and tells herself that she is holding down the fort until her man gets on her feet. If this is you then you should use the word man very loosely. Do not consider yourself a ride or die to call yourself his mother because you are taking care of him like he is your child.
Like the old saying you can do bad all by yourself you do not need a man dragging you down with all of his problems and not bringing anything to the table. In the words of Steve Harvey and the book act like a lady think like a man (Click to buy), a man’s job is to protect, provide, and profess. If you are doing everything, then your man is not protecting you nor is he helping to provide for you. He is just getting over and having you do all these things for him.
The biggest mistakes of the ride or die chick #3 Putting Yourself at risk
I want to start off by telling you a story, now this may be a really extreme example, but I just want to get my point across. My friend was once dating a big-time drug dealer, and as they were in the car, he told her to put both his gun and his drugs in her pants because they were passing the police. And she did it. She did not get caught, but if she had, then she would be the one going to jail and not him.
She told me she was just being a ride or die chick. No that is called being used. No man should ever want to put you in personal danger just to save his own skin. Remember the whole provide, protect, and profess mentality. This goes again the protection. In fact, he is just pushing you into danger to protect himself.
Now your story may not be that extreme but does your man want you to ruin your credit by not paying on a car that you bought him? Does he want you to put your neck out on the line for him? This is very similar to holding a gun and some drugs. Because you are going to be left with the consequences, not him.
The biggest mistakes of the ride or die chick #4 Making excuses or his nonsense
Your man may be cheating on you, and you are willing to stick around or worse fight the other woman to prove your love to him. Your man may be lying to you time and time again or just mistreated you. But you are still around because you want to show him that you are not going anywhere. And after all his dogging you out, he may say “oh this is my ride or die.” No, you are someone who is a glutton for punishment.
Being in a relationship should not make you feel bad or that you have to sit there while a man treats you like crap because you love him, and you always want to show him that you will be there for him. You should love yourself too, love yourself enough to know that you do not deserve to be treated any kind of way and that you do not have to sit through a relationship where he does whatever he wants with whoever he wants just to prove that you are not going anywhere.
#5 Why The ride or die chick mentality is a bunch of bull
Now that you have read some of the mistakes of the ride or die woman, you should clearly see why the ride or die mentality is a bunch of bull. Because you are literally giving up so much to the other person and they are not giving anything back to you. The man has somehow tricked you into thinking that going hard for him is the way to prove your love or to win a coveted position of being the ride or die chick.
If you are in a relationship and your man is asking you to be a ride or die then you really need to ask yourself if would he be willing to do the same for you. You really need to ask yourself if what he is giving out what you deserve in a relationship. Do not get caught up in the hype be believing that you have to ride or die in a BAD relationship. No relationship is perfect, and there are some things you may need to fight through, but don’t be fool wearing it like a badge of honor when really he is playing you, and you are playing yourself.
If you know a woman that needs to read this post, then feel free to share it with her.
Also, did you know that I have a book for single women click here to buy? AND I know that you will enjoy it so much that I am willing to give you the first chapter for free. Just click here or the picture below and it is yours.
Interesting outlook on this subject. Great and insightful article.
I loved reading your insight! I definitely could’ve benefitted from this article during my last relationship. Thank you for sharing this.
Very interesting read. I really enjoyed reading it and your insights on this subject.
This is great and I agree with your points! Love what you said about trying to prove yourself! The only person that you need to prove yourself to is yourself!!! Great read!
I agree it is a very stupid idea. You highlighted the most of the reasons why but I could name a few minor more.
This was a really interesting read. I totally agree and sometimes women strive so hard to prove themselves to a man when they don’t need to.
This is a good article especially for ladies. It is also an interesting read.
I don’t know if I ever really heard this term before. Definitely some interesting points to think about. I wasn’t quite sure what the term even meant, so it is new to me.
Well said; I always enjoy your posts! No one needs to be someone’s doormat!
Sounds like you have seen this first hand. Great thoughts. Too many women have such a wrong outlook on themselves and their life.
This is such an interesting article to read. In our present world where judgmental is anywhere we should always try to see the beauty in every bad situation.
YEs so true! It is important to not lose your sense of self!
I agree with some of your points but well we all have different perspectives,but still this is an interesting blog
I have never heard of this term before and have no idea what it means
You learn something new everyday. I have never heard of this expression but completely agree with your side of it. Thanks for sharing (:
I am totally with you on this! Some really helpful advice and tips here! x