Are you an aspiring fashionable mom? Do you suffer from frumpy mom syndrome and you want to be part of the stylish moms club? I know to become stylish sounds so intimidating to some moms but I promise you I am going to make it easy for you. As a stylish single mom myself I specialize in teaching you how to be a put together mom instead of feeding into the stereotype that you have to walk around in oversized jeans and a sweatshirt with stains all over it because you are a mom.
When I had this conversation with a fellow mom they literally told me that they did not have time to be stylish because they had two boys to raise. And I do get that but I have a son to raise and I am a single mom whereas she was married and has helped with her kids and I still leave the house looking presentable.
What I told her is that it literally takes the same time and effort to put on a hot mess pair of pants and shirt then it does to put on a matching one. Becoming one of the stylish moms is not difficult. No one is telling you that you have to walk out of the house in 10-inch heels, a tight miniskirt, and your cleavage hanging out. I am not telling you that you have to come out of the house looking like Italian Vogue wearing clothes you are not comfortable in. It does not require all of that to be stylish. I am going to make it easy for it.
And as I said before in my how to get your sexy back as a mom, there is no law that says that when becoming a mom that you have to look crazy. I may be in the minority but think of it this way. If you are married your husband is watching you (even though I am sure that he will love you either way) imagine how much of a treat it would be for him over just looking at you in the same ole worn down clothes. Just like if you were to come home and your husband was looking good and smelling nice I am sure that most women would prefer looking at a put together version over her man over one that is not. Am I right?
1. Aspiring Fashionable Mom ~ Case in point:
I once spoke to my married friend she was a stay at home mom looking a hot mess and started to get concerned that her husband’s female co-worker was getting to close to her husband. My friend was BEAUTIFUL by the way and use to do some modeling although you would never tell because now she just looked crazy.
Hair not combed and stayed in pajama pants all day. And I know her husband would NOT cheat on her but here he has nice looking professional women to look at all day and when he gets home my friend looking a hot mess and coming to his job looking like a hot mess which made these other women think it was okay for them to come to her husband because of how she looked.
I told her specifically that she needed to put that chick on notice and go to her husband’s job dressed to kill and simply have lunch with her husband. She needed to let those other women know that she was nothing to compete with and remind her husband and the other women what an awesome package that he has as sometimes that can be lost underneath her frumpiness. Don’t let becoming a wife and mom allow you just to let yourself go completely.
And besides, being a stylish moms helps you FEEL GOOD. My son refers to be at the cool mom. When I come into his classroom he is proud that I look put together. The same values that I instill in him that when he leaves the house to tuck his shirt, put some lotion on his ashy skin, and look like a presentable young man into the world. I cannot be a mom and say do as I tell you to do but not as I do?
So I think I have gone on long enough, it is time to get into the how to get out of the frumpy mom syndrome and how to be a put together mom.
2. Become a Stylish Mom By Having A Wonderful Go To Capsule Wardrobe
The reason why you may be a frumpy mom is that when you go into your closet you have nothing but baggy clothes and pajama pants to choose from and therefore you just go for those. The second reason is that you are a mom you have to get the kids ready and you do not have much time to pick out what you are going to wear. I have created a picture for you below that if you click here or on the picture, you will get to see my choices for a capsule wardrobe that are inexpensive.
You do not need a wardrobe full of stylish clothes but just a few pieces that you can mix and match. So literally the picture above will give you several outfits as you alternate the pants and the shirts as well as the sweaters and jackets as the weather changes.
It legitimately takes little to no effort to sit and plan anything if you just grab a shirt and pants that you know will match, because most of your wardrobe is interchangeable. You can click here to download my fashionable capsule wardobe ebook that is 100% free and watch my video down below for example of looks that are in my ebook.
3. Become a part of the stylish moms club by doing something to your head.
Become apart of the fashionable mom club by doing something to your HEAD. Yes doing something to your HEAD that is what my grandmother used to say when I used to walk around the house with my hair widely over my head looking like a hot mess as a child.
No one is saying that you have to go to the salon and spend a whole bunch of money to get your hair done. If you follow my YouTube Channel here you will see that I do my own hair. And even though it may seem like a lot of work I typically do my hair over the weekend and keep the same style throughout the week by tying it up.
You can even put your hair is a bun or a ponytail and just by brushing your hair and making sure that it is laid down properly can make a HUGE difference from looking frumpy to stylish. It does not take long to do your hair.
As a bonus for all of you saying that you still cannot do it, you can watch the tutorials on my channel (click to subscribe). But here is a sample of a video below of some quick and easy hairstyles I did with braids. I am not a professional I just learn to do my own hair by trying, failing, and then one day succeeding.
You can watch the video below to see how I even put the braids it, very beginner friendly. It does not take much to make yourself a cool and stylish mom.
4. Become a part of the stylish moms club by taking care of your hair
While we are on the topic of hair you can do things to ensure that your hair looks healthy. Putting a nice healthy head of hair is a ponytail looks a lot better than putting dry, brittle, and damaged hair into a ponytail. I know because there was a time in which I just let my hair go and I had split ends until I had to just cut it and start all over.
Just doing simple deep conditioning treatment every week can improve the quality of your hair by imparting moisture, improving texture, and penetrating the hair shaft, conditioning treatments can help reduce breakage and split ends and improve your hair’s health. In order to combat breakage, you need to nourish, strengthen and moisturize your hair. Deep conditioning treatments can do just that (source).
5. Become a stylish mom by taking care of your skin:
As a grown adult I suffered from adult acne and hyperpigmentation. Having bad skin made me look older and more tired. Top that off with being a mom and the natural bags and dark circles you have under your eyes from just being up caring for your kids can make your skin look worn out before its time.
The first step I took was to get Curology (click here). It is like a dermatologist without actually going to one. You send in pictures of your skin and they will prescribe a bottle specifically for the needs of your skin based on the pictures. For me, it was hyperpigmentation and acne. This has helped my skin A LOT actually. My skin actually looks smoother than it ever has, as I have suffered from acne since middle school.
Also, consider having an at-home spa day, click here for my blog on that. Just to make sure that you are not looking older than you need to look before your time and you can be that fresh looking you mom that looks 10 years older than what she actually is. I
6. Becoming a stylish mom by losing weight and taking care of your body.
I get that you do not want to be judge by that baby fat you still have even though you had your child 9 years ago and it is no longer baby fat. I get it because I had to lose 60 pounds of baby fat myself when my son was like 8 years old (click here to see that blog). I think that the expectation is that when women become moms that it is okay for them to just out of shape, with excessive amounts of weight.
I have learned that it is not okay. Beyond being stylish, it is not okay to be in your 30s and having health issues that most people don’t have until their 50s or 60’s due to your poor eating or exercise habits. I cannot tell you how good it feels to fit into my pre-pregnancy pants and how much more confident I am. How much more energetic I feel and how much more I can be stylish.
I think the wakeup call for me is when I went in the store to get my stylish mom on and none of the clothes fit me as they did not have a plus size section. And this was the first time that I had been considered plus sized. I could not even wear what I want due to a large amount of weight I gained. And when I went with my son to the water park I almost had a freakin heart attack from walking up the stairs to the top part of the slide where I had to stop multiples times to catch my breath. Be healthy to be stylish, to improve your self-esteem, to be able to get better clothes BUT most importantly do it so you can live a long life and keep up with your kids.
7. Become A Fashionable Mom By Getting The Makeup no makeup look
The whole premise of be telling how to become a stylish mom is that I do not want to take up a bunch of your time telling you to get ready in the morning. I personally put on a full face of makeup each morning but for most moms that is not needed nor do they want to do.
And besides I can put on a full face of makeup in about 15 minutes as it is a regular part of my routine so it is not impossible. But what most of you really want is a makeup no makeup look at this quick, easy, and will just give you the boost you need without having a full face of makeup and putting a thousand things on your face.
You can go to my blog here to get a full tutorial and steps on how to complete a makeup no makeup look. For most of the days where I am just running out I do a makeup no makeup look and below is one of those pictures. As you can tell it is simple, easy, and not overkill. It will still give you that put together look without having to know about a TON about makeup. Watch my video down below to see how you can get ready in under 10 minutes and still look like a fashionable mom because it is always good to leave the house looking presentable. To get the beauty bag in the video click here.
8. Become A Fashionable Mom ~ Be Made Up But Not Too Made Up
If you are like me and you want it to appear as if you have makeup on but because you are a mom and you want to still give the appearance of a mom. Then I recommend the items below. It is a great makeup starter kit that you can create multiples looks that look more made up, over the no makeup that looks really natural. For those who actually want to look made up. Click here or the picture below to get these items.
Also, you can check out my blog here to see how to apply these items. The Absolute Best & Most Budget-Friendly Makeup Starter Kit.
So these are the 7 major tips that I have to turn you from a busted looking mom to becoming part of the stylish moms club AKA the fashionable mom club and they are pretty simple. If you know a fellow mom that may need some easy style tips on how to upgrade her look then go ahead and share this post with her.
For all of my fashion and beauty oriented fashionistas then I have something free that you are going to FREAKIN LOVE. YES LOVE. It is my 100% free ebook, the Sophie-sticated Mom Stylish, Chic, & Modern Christian Women’s Year-Round Capsule Wardrobe Plan. That’s right your forever wardrobe. No more being the frumpy, bumpy, boring modest wardrobe, just because you are a Christian. Be Godly, frugal, relatively modest, chic, stylish, on a budget and look good doing it. Outfits for all seasons (spring, winter, fall, and summer) and most occasions work, casual, dates, gym, chilling or whatever and you will still be fashionable. Just click here or the picture below.
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