If you are looking for cheap synthetic lace front wigs then I promise you, you have come to the right place. I love wigs, I love lace front wigs, and as you know I love being cheap. So here are three of my favorite passions all rolled into one. Here I am going to give you some of the best synthetic lace front wigs that I have found and they are ALL under $50.
And before you turn your head up at synthetic lace front wigs then know that they have moved up in the world. They are some really great synthetic lace front wigs out there that you can part, that feel real, that have color, and some that you can even curl. And these are the ones that I am going to share with you today. So without further delay (post contains affiliate links).
Let’s get into the best synthetic lace front wigs, shall we?
Cheap synthetic lace front wigs ~ #1 FUHSI Synthetic Wig Retails For $50 (Click to buy)
This is a wig that I got from Amazon and boy did I love it. The lace front looks authentic, it comes with baby hairs, and it is a free part lace front wig which means that you can pretty much part the wig anywhere. PLUS these wigs come in many different colors which you can view below. To see my full review on this wig, just click here.
Cheap synthetic lace front wigs #2 Freetress Evlyn Retails $45 (click here to buy)
I fell in love with the FreeTress Evlyn wigs because of the number of colors that it came in and because the lace front and parting are so realistic. You can view the full review that I did on this wig by click here. To get the full extent of how amazing this wig is you can look at the video by Taste Pink where she showcases all of the FreeTress Evlyn colors and how you can style them.
You can check out some of the other amazing colors that Evlyn comes in by viewing some of the options below. I personally got this wig in multiple colors, that is how much I adored this wig.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wigs #3 ~ Bobbi Box Xenon Retails For $30 (Click here to buy).
I do love this wig because of the blunt cut and also because of the color. The above color that I have in the picture is 3T1B/GWHT. Of course, if you click the link above you can find some calmer tones but to me, this 3 tones gray/white/& black combination was just so fire. It does come in regular colors as I understand that not everyone wants to be as daring as me when it comes to wearing wig colors. Click here to see the full review of this wig.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wigs #4 ~ Bobbi Boss Oria Retails $50 (Click to buy).
This wig actually had to grow on me because from the model card this wig looked a hot mess. But once you actually get it and try it on it is a pleasant surprise. Especially in the color that I got it in which is FF4365. Of course if you do not like the color I have on, it comes in a bunch of other calmer and brighter colors as well. To see my full review on this wig just click here.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wigs #5 ~ Bobbi Boss Mignon Wig Retails For $50 (Click here to buy).
I know I can be little out there with the colors, but for those of you who just want something simple and basic then this Bobbi Boss Mignon wig may be for you. I love this wig, the look of it, the flow of it, and the feel of it. It really does look like your real hair and is a good fit for a professional setting such as work. To see my full review on this hair click here.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wigs #6 Swami Retails For $37 (Click here to buy)
This is another wig that can be more on the professional side. I did get this wig in the color coffee which made it have some highlights but you can always go a solid color or just plain black if you want the more settle look. I love the look and the feel of the hair. So much so that it does not really look or feel synthetic but more like human hair. Click here to see my full review on this hair.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wig #7 Layla Retails for $50 (Click to buy)
Legit is one of my favorite wigs and when I first bought it I did not think that I would love it at much as I did. I love the color, the style, the parting, and even the feel of the hair. The hair has so much body that it feels like human hair. I have worn this wig so many times and it still feels and looks the same. Click here to read my full review of the hair.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wigs #8 Bobbi Boss Chanel Retails for $40 (Click to buy).
The color that I got this wig in was in TTB1/PURGR but this wig does come in other colors. When I got this wig on a more purple color it actually shocked me how much I loved it. It was not too overwhelmingly purple or blue. Even though in the picture you can tell the color, in real life the hair is a lot darker and the color is a little more settle as opposed to being in your face. Click here to see my full review on the wig.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wigs #9 Chasty Retails for Under $27 (Click to buy)
This is a cute bob-looking wig. I decided to get it in the color OTDKPU which is a dark purple color. This wig can take up to 400 degrees of heat. Although it does not curl well, I like the wig as is. In fact, I liked the wig so much that I bought the wig that they had on display because it was sold out. I love the little beach waves that come in in it. It is not a lace front wig but has a lace part.
Click below to see my full video review on this synthetic wig.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wigs #10 Noel- Retails for $30 (Click to buy)
I love this wig. Can I repeat? I LOVE this wig. It is so fire! I got so many compliments on it. I got it in the color blue-black. When I saw this wig, I thought that it was a human hair wig. But it was synthetic. This wig takes under 400 degrees of heat and it is crazy long.
The feel of the hair is amazing, it is a lace front, and has a realistic part. In the picture, the hair does look blue, because I got the blue-black color. But really, when you are in a regularly lit room the hair looks like it is dark black. The blue tones only come out when the sun hits them. The hair comes in different colors too if blue-black is not your cup of tea.
Click below to see my full video review on this synthetic wig.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wigs #11 Outre Halle Retails At $40 (Click to buy).
I really do love this wig because I wanted a natural look wavy red wig for a long time. And a red synthetic wig can be hard to find. Trust me I know and have failed many times. This was the only truly wavy red wig that I found, loved and looked good with my skin tone. The color and the construction of this wig are what keeps it looking high quality. Click here for my full review of the wig.
Cheap Synthetic Lace Front Wigs #12 Sensationnel Wig Review Nia Retails Under $20 ~ (Click to buy)
This hair is really cute. Sometimes when hair is curly and synthetic it can get tangled really easily. But this hair is soft and does not tangle. And it can be flat iron straight. It comes in many colors but I got the color DXT30 which is like a three-tone type of hair. If anything it reminds me of Beyonce’s hair. It is a lace front wig and the part is not realistic. You can cut the part open and leave out your own hair to give it a more realistic look.
And there you have it 12 of the best synthetic lace front wigs that also happen to be very affordable. If you know a fellow wig lover that is looking for some affordable wig ideas then go ahead and share this post with her.
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Props to you! That looks like alot of work