If you want to listen to the blog post “Does God Want Me To Be Alone? Nope 5 ACTUAL Reasons Why Not” over reading it then click the play button below.
Are you stuck asking yourself why does God want me to be alone or why does God want me to be single? Are you wondering does God want me to be alone forever? The short answer is, no He does not want you to be alone forever. But oftentimes as a single woman who are alone, that’s exactly what it can feel like.
I know you may feel like my answer is just some feel-good candy with no merit behind it. Especially if you have been single forever with no end and sight or every man that you encounter seems to be sent from satan himself and therefore it would appear as if God is punishing you or something OR wants you to be alone.
I get it, you are tired of the same answer with no change in your personal life. Because in your eyes you are alone, you are not in a relationship, you have been praying for a man but yet he has not shown up on your doorstep yet. So how can God NOT want you to be alone when you are sitting around day in and day out and you are alone? And now you are here, ready to click off telling me that I am wrong and I don’t know what I am talking about BUT hear me out.
1. Why Does God Want Me To Be Alone ~ He Doesn’t And Here’s Why
Does God want me to be single Bible Verse: The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18
When God said this, He was referring to making Eve for Adam. I also wrote a more detailed post about how God intended a husband to love his wife which you can click here to read. But even though God was talking about man I also like to think that He was talking about mankind, which includes women.
Once God speaks something into existence, then it has to be true. So how can God say it is not good for man to be alone and then his intention is to make you be alone forever. So NO God does not want you to be alone. Because He said it. But there are some behaviors that may be keeping you alone which you can read my blog here on. But aside from that God may have a massive plan to bring you, someone.
Which brings me to the next point.
2. Why Does God want me to be alone ~ Case and Point Isaac And Rebekah
I want you to read Genesis 24, the story of Isaac and Rebekah.
In verse 3 Isaac’s father prayed to God for Isaac to have a wife. To make a long story short, the servant went off to find this wife for Isaac but he was unsure if he was going to even be able to get someone. But instead of getting all upset about it, he did the only thing that he knew how to do and he chose to pray. A very specific prayer in which he asked for a sign from God about Isaac’s wife.
Does God want me to be single BIble Verse 14: May it be that when I say to a young woman, Please let down your jar that I may have a drink, and she says, ˜Drink, and I’ll water your camels too” let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac.
Does God want me to be single BIble Verse 15 Before he had finished praying, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder.
The point of this whole thing is not only does God care about your relationship status and not only does God not want you to be alone, but He can actively choose the person that He wants you to be with. The servant of God was afraid that he would not find anyone or that the woman would not come with him. But then he did the only thing he knew how to do and that was to pray and low and behind here came Rebekah.
If God took time out of his busy schedule to find a wife for Isaac, then what is keeping him from doing it for you? I also have a video on, if there are soul mates. I do not know but what I do know is that God took the time in certain relationships to go above and beyond to make sure that certain people got together. So, if He can do it for them then why not you. See my video below and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
Which brings me to my next point
3. Why Does God want me to be alone forever ~ No Because You’re Worth More Than That
If you think that your worries, concerns, or relationship status is not on God’s mind, think again. God has so much power that is all-knowing and what concerns you concerns Him. AND He is always aware of what concerns you. Even to the very minor detail of your existence.
Does God want me to be single BIble Verse: Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.’ Matthew 10:29-31
God knows when a sparrow dies and He knows how many hairs are on your head. So if He cares that much about a sparrow and your hair, then how much more does He care about your well being, happiness, and your relationship status? I mean there are a lot of hairs on your head think about it, so you don’t think he cares who you end up with if you get married or not or if you are alone.
Please don’t sell God short and thinking that he is turning a blind eye to your relationship status because that is not the case. Not only does he care but is he also saying just like the sparrows don’t sit and worry about every little thing. If you are His child then do not sit and worry about anything just know it is all taken care of and He is working everything thing about in the end.
4. Why Does God want me to be alone forever ~ Case In Point Esther & Ruth
God can make any situation turn around for your good even your relationship status. Look at Esther (click here for my blog on her). An orphan raised by her uncle and had her situation not been what it was, then she would never have gone to the castle and became queen.
Or Ruth (click here to read my blog). Had she not been a widow and followed her mother in law, then she would not have meant Boaz. Do not focus on your being alone, because like these two women God may be working in the midst of your situation. Also, check out my video on how Ruth put herself in a position to be found.
His concern for your relationship status, He may be trying to lead you to your man, but instead, you are fighting Him worried about if you are going to be with someone or not. When God said:
Does God want me to be single BIble Verse: And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28
Then trust that this means all things. Every situation, bad relationship, and circumstances is going to work out for your greater good. That is why it is so important for you to chase the purpose and not the man and understand that when you do so, that you may find your man on your way to your purpose. Check out my video below to see what I mean.
5. Why Does God want me to be alone forever ~ Final Point
Understand that God does want you to be happy. Yes, He does want you to be in a relationship, BUT that is not His only concern. His first concerns are that you are a good person, that you get into heaven, and that you get to know Him.
Does God want me to be single BIble Verse “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 (also see my blog here).
Know that when you seek God first that ALL things including a relationship will be added onto you. Therefore, if you are wondering if God wants you to be alone forever, then ask yourself this. Are you seeking Him first? If you want God to intervene on your relationship status, you cannot just keep Him out of your entire life and then when you want something from Him, then you are begging Him for a relationship. God will never give you something that you want more than Him because then it became an idol.
So no God does not want you to be alone but I also think these are some great tips on what you can do to know that you are always doing your part in getting the relationship that God wants you to have.
Also, don’t forget to check out my video below for single women waiting on God for more tips on what to do when you are waiting to be in a relationship, you should be actively waiting not just being stagnant.
If you know someone who can use this post, feel free to share with her, and help a sista out. For all my single ladies you are going to want to check out my book for single women which you can buy here or if you are undecided click here and I will give you a few chapters for free.
Corrie ten Boom never married. Nor did Amy Carmichael nor Gladys Aylward or many godly Christian women.
Please quit making false predictions. God does not have husbands for us all. And spiritual maturity is not the only factor.
I never said that God wanted everyone to have husbands. My only point was that God is concerned about all areas of your life including your relationships and showed relevant Biblical accounts to back up what I was saying. I am sure that ever person has their own purpose and calling for a relationship.
Okay. Thank you.
Thank you for your great blog Sophie it is so refreshing to hear this biblical truths there’s so many false teachings on this matter saying that Yah wants people to be single when there is nowhere in the Bible where it says the Yah wants anyone to be single the only Bible verse often miss quoted is Paul and he was speaking specifically to a group of people and in fact he was just in support of people who didn’t want to get married because of the persecution they where facing at the time and he quantified it by saying that it was not a commandment from him. so thank you for sharing this, don’t go back on your word or be pressured in saying otherwise I believe that Yah does want everybody to be married it is commanded several times in his word as you’ve listed in your blog, whether they do or not is down to many other factors in their lives but it is definitely not Yah’s will for their lives. Yah bless you and keep you and continue to glorify himself in you. Shabbat Shalom
You are an idiot. God did not make us to be alone. Stope spreading lies and go hide
Spare Rib, dumb name, btw. That’s a lie. God will give anyone who asks a husband. You need to stop spreading lies. You are not of God.
If God had created women like the good old days, then many of us single men would’ve never been alone since women back then were so much nicer and a lot easier to meet back then. Nowadays most women unfortunately are very pathetic.
I do not think all women are pathetic God creates women then, now, and yet to come the way that he sees fit. I do not think that God is making a mistake in the way that he creates women. I do think that women have the right to step into the person that God called them to be. Some women AND men choose not to do that. But that is not because of how God created them. That is because that is the path that they are choosing.
I like your piece. It lifts me. God bless ☺
Most women back in the old days were really nice compared to the ones that are everywhere today. Most of us single men just can’t meet a real normal woman these days, especially when they will Curse at us for no reason at all when we will try to start a conversation with the one that we would really like to meet. Why are many women like that these days? Very difficult for most of us single men now trying to find love, now that many of these women are very dangerous to approach.
Where you have the word women flip to to the word men visa vira. Same reality and then nobody can ask the question why there’s a reason why women are different than they used to be there’s a reason why men are different than they used to be. No one cares enough to find out why people are cold, hard with a wall built around them.
Plus how can you say the women used to be and know today’s reality of dating women of today what used to be is what used to be today as long gone yesterday is long gone things change time changes people change everything changes and obviously not for the best
Where you have the word women flip to to the word men visa vira. Same reality and then nobody can ask the question why there’s a reason why women are different than they used to be there’s a reason why men are different than they used to be. No one cares enough to find out why people are cold, hard with a wall built around them.
Plus how can you say the women used to be and know today’s reality of dating women of today what used to be is what used to be today as long gone yesterday is long gone things change time changes people change everything changes and obviously not for the best
Since there are many of us good old fashioned men out there that would really know how to treat a good woman with a lot of love, respect, and commitment, which they just don’t know how to act with many of us men anymore unfortunately. That is why meeting a good woman nowadays became very extremely difficult for many of us men now. And yes, most of the time these women will be very nasty to us as well. Why is that? Since there are many of us single men that really do want a very serious relationship. Most women today are very troubled as i can see, and unfortunately they had a very horrible childhood when they were growing up as i can see.
Not ALL single people get married, some of my mothers friends have lived till 80 & died single, NEVER EVER been in a relationship
I am single & 46 & 2 bad relationships puts me off
Didn’t God say that man shouldn’t be alone though? Well i certainly will agree on that. The real problem is that God made women today very different unfortunately, unlike the old days when most women that he created were very old fashioned and real ladies back then which made love very easy to find in those days at that time. Most women today just don’t have any good manners anymore when it comes to many of us good men really looking for love now, and they have a very horrible personality as well since most women are just so very stuck up now more than ever. So many very troubled women everywhere now unfortunately, and there are many of us good single men nowadays that don’t play games at all and want a very serious relationship today. It is the women today that have really changed that have caused this problem why so many of us men can’t find love now at all, even when we really try. This is the result of Feminism that has really caused this real mess today to begin with, and there are just so many women that just really hate us men altogether now as well.
And then there are many of us good single men looking for a good woman to settle down with, since there are many of us good men out there. Most single women just don’t want us at all unfortunately.
I just really wish I would meet a lady that’s interested in me…. I been single over 10 yrs…. I’m 36 now and definitely not getting younger…. I would love to find love while I’m still kinda young so we have plenty yrs to grow… Plus I’m a man that has man needs. Kinda would like to have some kinda sex life before I’m 75…. JS
Feminism is much worse than cancer now that is caused by women, for which there is no cure at all.
Not all christians marry