As a single mom who faced an unplanned pregnancy myself I know I looked for unplanned pregnancy stories that would help me make the right decision.
You can watch my single mom video below or read it here single mother story here, but as someone who was young and facing an unplanned pregnancy I thought to myself Is my life over? Can I really do this. But I did and here I stand with three freakin degrees my highest being a PhD, which let’s you know that success is possible after an unplanned pregnancy.
In fact, becoming a mom is actually what pushed me to become the woman that I I am today. Which I why I wanted to create this post of unplanned pregnancy stories to show you that it is not the end all be all.
I did go through that situation and once you get beyond the fear of the unknown you can make the best decision for yourself, your unborn child, and a decision you can live with. I was that 24 year old who found herself pregnant and who called herself a Christian. I was not exactly seen as “responsible” and for many people, an abortion during an unplanned pregnancy would seem like the easiest thing to do.
Not only can you look at the video on my story, but also I want to walk you though some of the same questions I asked myself before I made the decision to become a single mom. AND to also share some other unplanned pregnancy stories with you. And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here.
1. Unplanned Pregnancy Stories ~ Me
Remember that old saying with the bracelets that always would ask what would Jesus do? Well that is the prime question to ask yourself. You have to ask yourself what would Jesus do AND what would He want ME to do?
This was the first question that I asked myself when I faced my unplanned pregancy. Many people had their own opinions in what they wanted to say about it BUT, the decision was up to me in the end. No matter what your family says or your friend say you have to make a decision that you can live with. And I had to make the decision that I felt good with according to my faith.
And every time I look at my son NOW, I always think back to when I ask myself this question. And I KNOW that I made the right decision and had I followed the advice of what other people thought I should do I would not have my son in my life. There were some of my family and friends that told me an abortion would be best, but they were not the ones that had to live with that decision. I was, so I had to make the right decision for me according to the conviction I was feeling.
And just so you can see my son come to life for yourself. Check out this Q & A video that we did on his perspective from being raised by a single mom. I hope you can tell by our relationship that I would not trade him for the world. You can click here to subscribe to my channel.
I know that some unplanned pregnancies do not happen in the best of situations. Below are some of the unplanned pregnancy stories that I want to get into and YES they are adults. I know we can talk about babies being unplanned but do we really think about about the adults they were meant to become and the impact they may have on the world?
2. Unplanned Pregnancy Stories ~ James Robison
James Robison the famous pastor is a prime example of this. Not only is he a pastor but he has several missions all around the world AND he was conceived by a rape. Talk about unplanned. Why I mentioned him is because this is one unplanned pregnancy that just so happens to save people from sex trafficking and providing water to underprivileged places. All of which may have NOT gotten done if he was not born. And had he not been here imagine the people who would not have been helped.
The Bible States
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. Psalm 139:13-14
2. Unplanned Pregnancy Stories ~ Heather Lindsey
I am a huge fan of the Christian blogger and preacher Heather Lindsey. She was given up as an infant (you can read the story here) and then adopted. I wanted to mention her unplanned pregnancy story because sometimes it may not be meant for the mom to keep the child BUT to give them up and to give them a better life. Once again that is a decision that the mother has to make. But I did want to say that because that decision was made look at the adult that was created. Do not just think of an unplanned pregnancy as a child BUT rather the adult they can become.
Heather is a preacher in which she goes around the world and brings many people to Christ. Imagine if she was not here, how many people would not have been able to come to Christ without her. Who knows what her mother’s situation was like? We do know that it was not planned otherwise she would not been given up for adoption. But unplanned pregnancies can have many endings that are happy endings and therefore it is important to consider the many possibilities of what that can be.
3. Unplanned Pregnancy Stories~ Mary
The last of the unplanned pregnancy stories may supprise you and it is Mary. Yes, I said Mary. Jesus’s mother. Remember her? Even if you think that your pregnancy situation is bad I want you to remember Mary. She was betrothed to Joseph, impregnated by the Holy Spirit, AND she literally had to tell her husband, her family, and everyone else this story and HOPED that they believed her. In those days having premarital sex could mean that you were stoned to death! If there was ever some fear to be had this was it.
The fear of losing your future husband and possibility even your life. When you remember Mary, your situation should not seem so bad. You may feel like your friends and family are going to stone you to death once you tell them but that is probably not true. I was afraid to tell my mother, my mother was not happy, nor was she supportive at first. Or really about the first week or two. But now she is the biggest support system that I have.
Remember Mary, have faith and courage that everything is going to work out and like God sent an angel to Joseph to tell him to still take Mary as his wife despite her being pregnant. Have faith, that God is speaking to people on your behalf to help you out. I know for me He did. Literally, people gave me baby clothes, a baby swing, car seat, and a crib. People I did not even really know that well.
Never think that during this time God has abandoned you, even though it may not be the best situation. He can still make provisions for you and your unborn child. Last but not least, make the best decisions for you, one you can live with, and look beyond the here and now and realize that your child may have a wonderful and dyanmic future ahead of them, one that you cannot see even yet.
With all of this being said, you may be saying to yourself. Okay but I still do not want to have a child I am not ready to be a mother, and I still may not know what to do. You can check out my other blog on options on what to do with with an unplanned pregnancy You can read my blog here.
But the reason why I mentioned these unplanned pregnancy stories is because I wanted you to see that no matter what your situation is, there are so many directions and options that you can go and many of these directions can be good. We cannot just think in the here and now because we do not know what the years down the road will bring you to and you do not know who the child you are carrying is meant to be.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Before I had my son I was a hot mess. And when I got pregnant with my son so many people thought that I was not going to be able to take it and that having a baby was going to ruin my life. But it was such the opposite. I was not the same person that I am today and it is because I had my son that I am so blessed now.
It is because of my son I realized that I was doing a whole lot of nothing with my life and I had to get a better job, be in a better financial position, and be a better person for him. What EVERYONE thought would ruin me actually made me better. Because ALL things work together for the greater good, even when you do not know how. I am convinced that because I chose to do the right thing when faced in a difficult situation that God chose to bless me for it. I literally went through my pregnancy alone (click here to see my blog on that). It was hard at time when I was pregnant, I was scared, and I did not know what was going to happen to my life or how things would work out.

BUT despite all of that, God chose to bless me in my career, my life, and through my child. Blessings that I do not think would have occurred had I not made the decision to keep and raise my child. Often times an unplanned pregnancy news is so terrifying to us because we do not know what we will do, how will we do it, or how our life will be. All those things ran through my head, but in the end I chose to trust what God was doing and not to lean on my own understanding.
It was not an easy decision but it was the right decision for ME, and it was the decision that changed the course of action of my life and the person that I was destined to be. I was not fully comfortable making that decision in the moment and I remember after I had my son I thought to myself Oh crap, can I really do this? But I did. And it was all Good. And still is good.
If you know someone who could read this post, then feel free to share it with them.
Also, did you know that I have a single mom book that is a best seller! To know more about my No Nonsense Single Mom’s Devotional then click here. Also click here or the picture below to get the first few chapters for free, in case you are undecided.
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