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One of the best ways to understand and receive unconditional love from God is to understand that God’s love is unconditional kind of like a mother. I mean think about it a mother’s love is the closest thing to God’s love. I know it can be weird thinking of God as your mother, your father, and sometimes even your husband. How can God be all these things when the world that we live in, different people play different roles in our life.
But see if you are looking at it that way then you are thinking of God through a worldly vision and that is not who God is. He is not of the world so He does not need to define himself by the standards of the world. So if you are wondering what God’s motherly love is and what it means then I am going to explain it in the simplest way possible.
1. Unconditional love from God ~ He’s Love Us Like A Mom
When talking about How To Understand & Receive Unconditional Love From God is to remember God loves us like a mother I want to start with the following Bible verse.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.1 Corinthians 13:4-8
If you are a mother of a child then you should know exactly what this type of love is. Romantic relationships come and go. Sometimes we love them sometimes we don’t. Our family and friends get all our nerves. Sometimes we love them sometimes we want to choke them.
And yes it can be that way with our children but as a mother myself, I am so convinced that there is NOTHING that my son can do to make me love him less. Being a mother requires patience, kindness, humility, and a lot of selflessnesses. As a mother, your child needs to come before your own and you do not even think about it. You give and give to your child without expecting anything in return.
This may be a reach but I think God gave us the ability to have children just so we can understand or begin to understand God’s, motherly love. After all, if we are never mothers then how can we know how deep a mother’s love can go for their child.
A child is of our body, comes out of our body, and in a way, our children feel like they are actually apart of us. And when we understand this basic dynamic that is when we start to understand why and HOW a mother’s love is the closest thing to God’s love.
You can watch my video below where I go more so into this verse in great detail and subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
2. The unconditional love from God ~ He gave birth to us
So maybe God did not push us out of his womb and we were not grown in his uterus like a typical child is with his mother. But hear me out. According to Jeremiah 1:5 God formed you in your mother’s womb.
Meaning that he planned for you, He wished for you, you were not an accidental pregnancy. He planned to conceive you like any mother wanting a child would. And like most children when they are born, they tend to take on the likeness of their parents.
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
And just like your Earthly parents leave behind life insurance for their children God has also given you an inheritance.
Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and overall the creatures that move along the ground. Genesis 1:26-28
3. Unconditional love from God ~ Even When We Are Bad He Still Loves Us
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
God’s love is unconditional, I mean really think about it, this spells it right here. NOTHING can stop God from loving us. As a mother, I am convinced that nothing in this world is going to separate my love from my son. As I am sure is the case with most mothers.
It does not mean I am okay if he is doing something wrong, bad, or disobeying. Even though I may rebuke him, as God often does to us, I still love him. Just like when we do something crazy or are going too far off base God rebukes us.
Because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son. Hebrews 12:6
The rebuke that I give my son is often for his own good. If you don’t, believe me, you can read my blog on what happened when my son spend over $1,000 of my money (Click here to read more on that). We punish our children so that they can learn the rules. So that they learn what is and what is not acceptable behavior.
And we punish our children so that they do not continue to make the same mistakes. And like a mother, whenever we punish our kids we still love them and are able to put all that aside and show unconditional love to our child. This is how God’s love is compared to a mother’s love. God may be disappointed in you OR not like what you did, but He will always love you. God’s love is unconditional and nothing is going to change that.
I want you to watch my video below on how God loved the Israelites but in the same token, he punished them for their disobedience to get a better understanding of what I mean.
4. Unconditional Love From God ~ It doesn’t mean getting your way
God’s love is unconditional BUT love does not mean getting what you want. As a mom how many times does your child want to eat junk all day or want you to spend your money on something crazy? And just because they WANT these things does not mean that our children get them. How many of us can relate to this aspect of God?
How many times have you thrown a temper tantrum and been mad at God because He won’t give you what you want? Or God is not doing something as fast as you want? How many times have you been upset with God because you do not have more money, are not married, or because you do not have the things you have prayed for then you feel that God does not love you.
Or better yet, when you are doing something crazy and you reap the consequences for it, you want to say God does not love you because you got fired, went to jail, got into trouble for something that YOU DID.
For all the mothers out there you should already know where I am going with this. Your child may try to scream they hate you when you don’t buy them the latest toy or when you tell them to stop climbing on something and they don’t do it and get hurt.
You try to make them understand that if they would have just listened to their mom then they would not have hurt themselves. It is the same way with God. Just because God loves you He is not going to allow you to go around doing whatever you want and giving you whatever you want.
Like a mother, God does the right thing for you even though you may not understand His actions. But just as your child matures, when you mature as a Christian you will understand God more. Just as your children age they will understand the decisions that you made as to their mom.
I also have a video on why God won’t give you want you that you can watch below.
5. Unconditional love from God ~ Final Thoughts
- When I don’t get what I want it does not mean that God loves me less.
- God’s motherly love means that He loves me too much to allow me to continue on a path that will cause me harm.
- And more than anything God is patient with me.
- Even when I do something wrong He always waits for me to get back on track and get it right.
Even if you are not a mother I know that many of you have a mother. So surely you can see clearly how God loves us like a mother and how God’s love is compared to a mother’s love.
If you know a fellow Christian that needs help in their relationship with God, then share this post with them.
Also, did you know that I have a single mom devotional! Click here to buy the best selling book or click here to get the first few chapters free.
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