Are you looking to become a momtrepreneur then taking advice from some of the most successful single momtrepreneurs can help you. Listening to successful people will help you be successful. This post will bring you comprehensive advice from some of the top single mom bloggers and vloggers that will help you build your own online platform.
Let’s go ahead and get right on into it. Shall we?
Top Tips From Single Mom Bloggers For Aspiring Momtrepreneurs
Tips for Aspiring Momtrepreneurs #1 Sarah Titus
I have written about Sarah Titus in a few of my other blogs which you can click here to read. Mainly because she now makes over six figures in a month. You can click here to see her last income report. Below is Sarah’s story and how she became the balling momtrepreneur that you see before you today. This interview is courtesy of No Plate Like Home.
Sarah’s story:
Her abusive husband of 14 years left her and their kids after his third affair. Sarah and her kids lived in a women’s shelter for weeks as she described it as her rock bottom moment. Sarah turned to God for support, inspiration, and grace. She needed the bare essentials we take for granted. She needed food, income, a home for her kids, and the confidence to pick herself up and succeed in what seemed to be a hopeless dark hole. Sarah needed to earn income fast. Within a year of going on her momtrepreneur venture, she was making six figures.
Sarah’s Most Valuable advice for other aspiring Momtrepreneurs
The biggest thing that every blogger does, sooner or later, is get in their own way. They try to follow all this free advice online and end up so overwhelmed with information and to-do lists, that they never get around to actually accomplishing anything. They feel as though they have to be EVERYWHERE and do EVERYTHING in order to succeed, but the opposite is actually true.
The solution to becoming a successful pro-blogger is found in doing one or two things at a time. Not trying to be everything to everyone, but simply, doing one or two things extremely well. Digging deep and really finding out how to make whatever they are working on, a success. Because, as a mom and business-woman, we CAN’T do it all. We tend to have this martyr personality, feeling the pressure like we must, but we can’t. When we stop trying to please everyone, step back, and just be OURSELVES, our unique self, THAT is when we start to grow. We can’t be out there chasing other people’s dreams or trying to be LIKE other bloggers. We have to be ourselves and more importantly, trust ourselves.
Never depend on ANY social media. Build your email list, but build it for the right reasons, not so that you can sell someone something, but so that you can HELP people. Truly invest in your audience and you will be successful. If money is your #1 goal in blogging, you will fail, and it’s why many bloggers do fail. Blogging is about creating something bigger than yourself, being a part of other people’s lives. Serve them, invest in them, love on them. You do that, and you cannot fail in ANY business you do.
For additional tips on starting a blog check out the post done by Sarah Titus herself on how to create a successful blog for under $350.
Tips for Aspiring Momtrepreneurs #2 Ellarie
Ellarie is also a favorite single mom blogger or in her case vlogger of mine. I have written about her before in one of my previous blogs which you can read here. Check out interview and advice courtesy of The Digital Beauty.
Ellarie’s story:
After receiving her Master’s degree in marketing, Ellarie Noel decided that she wanted to pursue a career in the beauty world. Ellarie first began her career freelancing and working at MAC, but soon realized that being a makeup artist was not her passion — and that she had more fun doing her own! Luckily, this realization came at the time when Instagram became popular and Ellarie transitioned from her part-time job to a full-time beauty influencer. It wasn’t an easy road, but Ellarie was determined to make a name for herself in the beauty industry. Ellarie’s daughter Zara, nicknamed Yoshidoll, has starred in mommy-daughter hair tutorials with Ellarie and gained a following of her own.
Ellarie’s Most Valuable advice for other aspiring Momtrepreneurs
It definitely takes some patience and thick skin. You have to be passionate about it because it can definitely be discouraging at times. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing, but instead channel that energy into perfecting your craft and try to authentically stand out by creating your own lane. The industry is not always as glamorous as it seems. There is a lot of work involved, especially if you are like me and create all of your content on your own. But when the hard work pays off, the journey to get there will make so much sense!
Tips for Aspiring Momtrepreneurs #3 Raven Elyse
Once again this is a single mom that I have written about before on another blog that you can read here. Raven was actually an entrepreneur already before she had a child. But since she has had her daughter she has incorporated mom family and parenting content on he vlogs. Check out Rayvn’s full interview below courtesy of MilknHeels
Rayen’s story
When I started YouTube I didn’t have goals related to being a YouTuber. It was purely something fun I did as a hobby. Back then, I had never heard of anyone doing it for a living. Over time things just fell into place! Now, I take it much more seriously. I definitely want to put my fashion design degree to use in some way. I’ve always wanted to have my own line. I also think it would be cool to write a book!
Rayen’s Most Valuable advice for other aspiring Momtrepreneurs
- Stay organized. As a mom, time is limited and there’s nothing worse than wasting your valuable minutes searching for something!
- Make a production calendar for the next 3 months if possible so that you have content already planned out.
- Take your time, things don’t always work out immediately, and that’s okay!
- Take plenty of breaks to spend time with your little ones!
- Have fun no matter what!
Tips for Aspiring Momtrepreneurs #4 Emma Johnson
Emma Johnson is a single mom and blog owner of the wealthy single mom where she focuses on professional single moms. She became a single mom via divorce and you can check out her interview courtesy of NY Metro Parents.
Emma’s story:
When I was becoming a single mom, I felt so alone, and doomed. There weren’t any positive, progressive resources out there that spoke to me: a professional single mom who had big career goals, a modern dating life and parenting practices not stuck in the 1950s. This need drove me to launch my blog, Wealthysinglemommy.com, and then my podcast, Like a Mother.
It quickly became clear that there are countless women like me throughout the country — and world: Educated, hustling, brilliant women who are either in incredible positions of success or striving to get there, while also building thriving personal lives and raising great kids. Yet we all faced the same challenges: Negative, toxic, sexist messages about what we are capable of from both the world at large and those closest to us. There is a disconnect, one that aligns with my passion for feminism, and gender equality. I realized that in order to change sexism in the world, we need a different story for moms in non-traditional families.
Emma’s Most Valuable advice for other aspiring Momtrepreneurs
The goal is for women to live life fully on their own terms. We are living in a time of unprecedented opportunity, rights, and freedom for women. How do we make the most of these, while also honoring our own needs and dreams? This means each woman must think and act outside of any preconceived boxes. However, there are some tenets of “kickassiness”: Having or striving for financial independence, prioritizing our romantic needs, giving back, and focusing on being the kind of women we want our daughters to grow up to be, and our sons to embrace as their peers in every regard. You can also buy Emma Johns book “The Kickass Single Mom” by clicking here.
Tips for Aspiring Momtrepreneurs #5 Alexa Mason
Alexa Mason interview is courtesy of Success Harbor
Alexa’s Story:
Alexa started her blog in 2012 after getting divorced and starting all over again. She took out a loan to buy a trailer which she moved to a spare lot beside her dad’s house. Alexa will be the first to tell you that it was a tough road, but her blog is now making close to $6,000 per month. Alexa’s story is not about getting rich quick. Her journey as a blogger is a lot of trial and error, and, of course, caffeine and sleepless nights. But, she did it. She is making a solid income with her blog.
Alexa states: “I started Single Moms Income when I decided that I was going to be financially successful as a single mother. I used the blog to chronicle all the different things I was trying to do to both increase my income and create financial stability for my family.”
Alexa’s Most Valuable advice for other aspiring Momtrepreneurs
During the first year of blogging, I guest posted like crazy. I submitted guest posts to dozens of blogs which really helped me build a readership. You have to be okay with pitching yourself. I received all of my paid writing jobs by introducing myself to the people I wanted to write for. There’s a lot of competition on job boards when it comes to freelance writing jobs. Cold pitching is a much more reliable way to find writing jobs. Also, don’t give up. It can take a while to make a blog profitable.
Tips for Aspiring Momtrepreneurs #6 Vicky Charles
Vicky’s story is courtesy of. Self Employed Single Mum
Vicky’s Story:
My daughter was premature, and her father was very abusive. When I found myself a single mother, I was terrified. After months of abuse, I felt completely lost and didn’t believe I could do it on my own.
My daughter’s nursery closed for two weeks in the summer, so I would take time off from my job. One summer I helped a friend out with the social media for her shop. When I went back to work, she asked if I would consider going freelance and continue working for her.
Working in an office, I could only work during the hours my daughter was in nursery. I couldn’t do overtime or stay late, and there was little to no chance of getting a raise, let alone a promotion. I looked ahead and saw a life stuck relying on benefits to make ends meet, and it felt terrible. Now I have more control over my work and my working hours.
Vicky’s Most Valuable advice for other aspiring Momtrepreneurs
Speak to as many other self-employed people as you can. Read as many books as you can. Listen to as many podcasts as you can. There’s always more you can learn, and hearing from other people who’ve all been in your situation can really help when you wake up a 3 am in a panic thinking, “OMG I’m out here on my own!” Oh, and learn how to sell yourself. Even if you think you don’t have a product to sell – you need to know how to sell yourself!
Tips for Aspiring Momtrepreneurs #7 Shanicia Boswell
Shanucia’s is the blog owner of Black Moms Blog, her interview is brought to your courtesy of Mother of the world.
Shanicia’s Story
I was inspired to create Black Moms Blog because as a mother, I had a hard time finding mothers who looked like me talking about their experience as a mom. I felt that there was a large racial disparity in Black women blogging about motherhood.
My favorite thing about blogging is being able to connect with women who are able to see themselves in the topics that I write about. We can tend to isolate ourselves as mothers and assume that we are the only ones going through a particular situation. It is refreshing to hear that other women are just as confused about this motherhood thing as I am!
Shanicia’s Most Valuable advice for other aspiring Momtrepreneurs
I balance everything by creating goal lists and following a schedule. At the beginning of each day, I mentally give myself a minimum of three goals to complete before I can take a rest. If I get these things done quickly, then I have the rest of my day to do as I please. If I don’t it turns into a full workday. I schedule in self-care nights too. Twice a month, I do a bath soak, with wine, music, everything.
One tip I would give to a new blogger is to define your niche’. Don’t be afraid to get specific. When I started Black Moms Blog I received a small amount of backlash from those who felt they were not included in my blog. In reality, that wasn’t the case at all. My blog does not exclude anyone but the experiences that are discussed are told by the perspective of Black mothers. I actually have a large following of mothers who are not Black but can still find ways to relate to the experiences discussed on my platform.
There you have it, these are 7 amazing single momtrepreneurs who are doing the darn thing and killing the online world as either bloggers or vloggers. More than anything listen to their tips.
[bctt tweet=”Listen to people who have been where you are and are where you want to go.” username=””]
Always take advice from successful people.
If you know another aspiring mompreneur who needs this information then do them a favor and share this information with them. Sharing is caring.
Last but not least if you are a single mom then you need my book “Fix it Jesus. For Single Moms Only. The Straightforward No Nonsense Guide To Passion Purpose and Prayer.” Click here to find out more about why you need this book. And if you still don’t believe me then sign up for my email list and get the first chapter free. Click here to sign up.
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