In this post I am going to be reviewing the Freetress swami wig. Just so you know, I went through great lengths to get this FreeTress Swami wig. I am a huge bob fan you can check out my other blog on the best bobs to wear. And also the best silver bobs. At first I ordered it from Ebony line and I was emailed and told that they did not have it in the color I wanted. So I had to search far and wide for this wig in the color I wanted and only found it on Ebay.
FreeTress Swami Wig (Click here to buy).
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Freetress Swami Wig ~ Color
Getting this wig in black would make this more of an everyday type of wig, but for myself I love getting wigs in unique colors. The color of this Freestress Swami Wig is PBcoffee. The wig does come in many colors but I felt that this color was the one that I wanted because it was really unique but still settle. The base color is more of a 1b or black color and it has settle highlights in the wig that are a mix between a dark brown/red and dirty blonde. The highlights are prominent in the fact that they can be seen very well, especially the dirty blonde color. But the highlights are also settle in the fact that they are not too loud or over bearing.
Freetress Equal Swami Overall review
To be honest I do love the Freetress Equal Swami wig but I was a little disappointed when I received it. What I love about this wig is the color, the cut, and the fact that it is lace front. What I do not like about this wig is that the wig looks very wiggy to me around the part. I do not know if it is the way my head is shaped but it just does not sit right on the head. Of course I did not do much to the wig in order to change the parting space, I am one of those people who feel like you shouldn’t have to. But I am sure that there are some options that you can do, to make the wig look more real. In fact you can check out my blog on how to make your wig look more realistic.
It is not the part because the part is pretty decent and realistic. But the wig, even though it is a lace front, does not look very realistic in my opinion. But overall for the price and for the color I would recommend this wig. You could always play with the edges of the wig and the parting space to make it look more realistic. So that is not a deal breaker. If I had to give this wig a rating I would say a 7 out of 10. I do not hate it, but I did not love it as much I wanted to love it. Click here to buy Swami
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