I am going to show you how to make a wig with a glue gun in 5 easy to do steps. I am NO expert which just goes to show that if I can do it then surely you can do it. It is not as hard as you think. In fact, I was able to get it done in my first try with no prior wig-making experience.
BUT before I get into the tutorial on how to make a wig with a glue gun, I want to first talk about the pros and cons of making a hot glue gun wig. And I have made plenty, here is just one (below of many) I will show you through this post. Don’t forget to subscribe to my Channel by clicking here.
How To Make A Wig ~ Hot Glue Gun Wig Pros
The pros of making a wig using a hot glue gun is that it is super fast. Many people want to sew the wefts of hair to a wig cap and it takes so much longer. Literally using a hot glue gun will take you less than half the time. And when it comes to longevity I have had wigs that I have made with a hot glue gun that has last me a couple of years.
A hot glue gun is a good way to fix the hair to a wig cap for a long period of time and you will not have to worry about your tracks falling out all over the place once you do it. The second pro is that using this method is pretty beginning friendly, meaning that it can be really difficult to screw your wig up using this method. And the third pro is that as with any wig that you make is that you can custom it to the way you want. Since you have made the wig you can fit it to your head and you can pretty much cut it any way that you want.
How To Make A Wig ~ Hot Glue Gun Wig Cons
The con of using a glue gun method to make your wigs is that it is less forgiving in terms of if you start to place the tracks on the hair and you place then wrong, once the glue dries then you are pretty much out of luck. Another con is that although a glue gun wig lasts for a long time, still over time some of the tracks may loosen and you will have to reglue the tracks. And lastly, this method is kind of dangerous. I cannot tell you how many times I have actually burned my hands as in the skin peeling off and all because I got the hot glue on my hand. So be careful.
How to make a wig ~ What you will need
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You are pretty much going to need two main things for making a full wig they are:
- A glue gun
- And wig caps or dome caps for making wigs.
- As a bonus, a mannequin head and a stand are always helpful but some people manage without them.
With the glue gun, you want a good one. You are going to go through a lot of glue sticks so having a nice good quality glue gun will not only make your job easier but also help you create the best quality wig.
The next most important thing you are going to need is a wig cap or even a dome cap. I found that both can be effective. The type of cap you get can depend on the type of wig you want to make. As you will see below a wig with a bang means you can get away with a dome cap. If you are making a u part wig (as shown below) then it could be easier to get a wig cap with a u part in it already.
Last but not least is a mannequin head and a stand. There are plenty of people who make the wig using the glue gun method chose to actually make the wig on their head. I have done this before and it is just as effective as long when you do it you put a plastic bag or something on your head first to protect your hair from any glue from the glue gun dripping on your head which would be a painful disaster. But if you want to make it off of your head, then see my suggestions below for both a head and a stand.
Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let us get into the two wigs that I made using the glue gun method. One is a full wig with bangs and the second is u part wig.
First Wig, How To Make A Wig With Bangs
How To Make A Wig ~ Step 1
For this wig, you can get away with shorter hair. But you will need hair and a closure (click here to buy). The first step is to put the cap on your head to lay out how you want the wig to lay on your head. Even use something to draw out the center part to make sure that when you glue the closure you can lay it where it needs to go. Remember it can be really hard to move the hair once it is glued to the cap, so make sure you know where you want the closure to go.
How To Make A Wig ~ Step 2
Glue on the closure first. Since you already know where it wants to go this should not be hard. All you have to do is to glue the outside of the closure and place it on the cap. Remember to view the video below if you want to see a full visual of what I mean.
How To Make A Wig ~ Step 3
Glue down the hair. For this type of wig, all you have to do is just glue the wig in a circle. Just make sure that you do not do it too tight because you can keep the cap from stretching when it is on your head.
How To Make A Wig ~ Step 4
Make sure that you fill in all the gaps with the glue gun. It is also a really good idea to try the wig on as you are gluing the hair to get a good idea on how the wig is looking and if it fits correctly.
How To Make A Wig ~ Step 5
Once you have glued all the hair then put it on your head to cut and style. If you are a beginner it is a lot easier to see how the actual wig will look on your head once styled if you style the wig on your head. And viola that is it.
How to make a wig ~ U Part Wig with Leave Out
Unlike the wig that I have just shown you above, this wig has left out with it. Perhaps having a closure is not your thing and you want to make a wig using the glue gun method but you also want to have leave out. If that is the case, then follow these steps and watch the video below to learn exactly how to do it.
Step 1
The first step is to put the cap on your head and to draw out exactly where you want your part to go. No matter if it is a side part or middle part you want to really map it out before gluing the hair.
Step 2
The next step is to get your hot glue gone and to start gluing the hair (in this case I used Tokyo Remy 14 inch since the hair will be cut. Click to buy). This may sound like common sense but please remember to NOT glue within the U that you have drawn in. Glue around it.
Step 3
Be sure to glue the hair as close to the section that you have drawn in as possible. The last thing you want is to try on your wig and to have big gaps where your actual hair meets the wigs.
Step 4
Because I cut the hair in a bob I decided to cut the hair on the fake head. It can be really hard to cut layers into a wig while it is on your head. But remember to still try it on throughout the process to make sure the style you are cutting is working out for you. You can view the video below to see how I cut the hair.
Step 5
The last step is to cut out your U in the cap of the wig. You can also choose to put in wig clips (click here to buy) around the part of the wig to ensure that the wig does not slide around the U. Then make sure to use a flat iron (click here to buy) to blend your hair with the wig’s hair.
And that is about it. See learning how to make a wig with a glue gun is really not that hard. And remember practice makes perfect. If you know a fellow hair love who wants to start making her own wigs. Then go ahead and share this post with her. Also, check out my other posts for more tips on how to make wigs.
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