Here are 3 protective styles on natural hair that are pretty easy. When I first went natural, I had a hard time finding quick and easy natural hair protective styles. But through hard work, dedication, and experimentation I was able to come up with my own natural hair protective styles that were quick and easy.
Since I have a kinkier hair texture 4c I feel that these styles are very versatile in the sense that they will work on pretty much everyone’s hair type. I included a video along with a description of how I pulled off these natural hair protective styles.
3 Quick, Easy, & Beginner Friendly Protective Styles On Natural Hair #1 The Roll And Tuck
This is a hairstyle that I personally like to call the roll and tuck because that is pretty much all you do. I got inspired to do this hairstyle by a hairstyle that I saw her on Pinterest. But she has longer hair than mine and her curl pattern was more like a 3c so the style on her look completely different. But that did not stop me from trying to come up with my own version. All I did was part the hair into five sections, rolled the hair under starting from the back, and then pin the roll in place. And there you have it. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
3 Quick, Easy, & Beginner Friendly Protective Styles On Natural Hair #2 French Roll In The Back and A Knot Up Top
I really just made up the name of this style because I did not have one. This is when my natural hair was shorter and all I really did was do a french roll or a pin-up in the back and then starting doing a similar tuck and roll method like I just mentioned in the first style for the top. The inspiration for this hairstyle came off the fact that I really did not know what I was doing with my hair so I just came up with something by playing with it in the mirror.
3 Quick, Easy, & Beginner Friendly Protective Styles On Natural Hair #3 Bun Mohawk Type Thing
For this hairstyle the only thing I did was part my hair in specific sections, using gel and edge control to try to sleek down the sides. Tied each section with rubber bands and tucked my small little ponytails under into a little ball. Using bobby pins to secure the base.
And that is about all folks, these are my three quick and easy natural hair protective styles that I feel can pretty much be used on all different types of lengths and textures of hair. At the time when I did these styles, my hair was pretty short so if it can work for me I know it can work for you.
If you know someone that could use some styling tips for their natural hair then help them out by sharing this post with them.
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