As a fellow dark skin woman, I am CRAZY about highlighters. This is why I am going to give you 5 of the best highlighters for dark skin that I personally use to make my cheekbone pop. Because there is no point of a highlighter is you cannot notice it or it is not making something POP. Am I right?
Finding the right highlighters for darker skin can be crucial. And as a dark skin woman myself, I also know how frustrating it can be to get the wrong highlighter and it gives you that ashy effect or worst it not even show up on your skin at all.
But have no fear, here are some of the best highlighters for dark skin AND they come in all price ranges. You know I like my affordability yall. So let’s go ahead and get right on into it, shall we? But first, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for more content. (Also follow me on Instagram for more pictures).
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Best highlighters for dark skin #1 Nyx Holograph Stick (click here to buy)
The first of the highlighters for darker skin is Nyx is one of my favorite AFFORDABLE brands that deliver quality makeup.Which brings me to this holographic highlighter. At first, I was not really sure how this highlighter was going to turn out as it had tints of purple. And this is one of the more affordable highlighters for under $7.
I did not know that it would translate well on dark skin. As you can see from the picture it turned out pretty well. My only struggle with this highlighter is that you will have is making sure that it blends well with your skin.
This highlighter is not one of those that you can just apply on your cheek and go about your day. You will have to put several streaks on your cheek and just blend out the edges so that it will look more seamless on your skin. Or else it would look like a big harsh strobe light streak on the side of your face
Best highlighters for dark skin #2 Luna Highlighter (click here to buy)
I received this highlighter in one of my monthly subscription services. I believe that it was Ipsy if I am not mistaken. In all actuality had I not received it in the mail I would not have realized how awesome and pigmented this highlighter was. Based on the packaging it really did not look like it was super pigmented.
I did get a pretty small size since it came in the subscription, BUT the size can carry you a long way. I will admit that when I first saw the highlighter, it looked more like a bronzer. I did not really expect it to show up the way that it did.
But I just got my brush, swiped it on my cheek and it showed up very well. I did not even have to put a lot of powder on it in order for it to do so. Which of course why it is ideal for dark skin. Notice that cheekbone effect I was talking about. This highlight will give you that.
Best highlighters for dark skin #3 Fenty Shimmer Stick (click here to buy)
This highlighter is none other than the highlighting stick by Fenty. In case you have been living under a rock and you have no idea who creates the Fenty brand, it is the one created by Rhianna. So understand that it is going to be a bit of a splurge. But Fenty is known for doing well on darker skin.
The thing about Fenty is, it is a little bit more expensive than I would normally like to buy. But Rhianna is a woman of color and her brand of makeup was specifically created to make sure it looked good on women of color even her foundations. So it should not be any shock that her highlighter sticks are amazing and they show up really well on dark skin.
P.S, if you are interested in the capdo (the cap with the hair added to it in the picture above) then I have a review on it which you can read here.
Best highlighters for dark skin #4 Wet and Wild Liquid Highlighter (click here to buy)
The next of the highlighters for darker skin is this holographic highlighter. This is another affordable drug store highlighter costing only $6. Not only are highlighters in but so is the holographic highlighter apparently.
I will say that perhaps this holographic highlighter shows up a little better on dark skin in terms of seeing the dimension and the pinks and the purples. Once again this highlighter is not something that you can just streak on your cheek and go. If you go about using the highlighter this way, then it is going to look very unnatural.
Like the Nyx holographic highlighter, you put it on your cheek and you have to blend out the edges to make it appear more seamless. Also, you will have to apply very generously for it to show up and to keep the pigmentation of the highlighter.
When applying this highlighter only blend the edges I would not blend toward the middle as you would just blend the highlighter stick into your skin and you would not get the same pigmented color if you were to blend the highlighter in too much.
Best highlighters for dark skin #5 Artist Contour Highlighter (click here to buy)
Last but not least is the highlighter by Artist Couture. It is more on the expensive side. I know I am cheap, but I received this highlighter on one of my monthly beauty subscription services a VERY long time ago.
So I did not pay for this product, but I am also not against paying for this product because it is an awesome highlight. I MEAN AWESOME. The container I received, was not a huge container, and do you know that I am still using this highlighter to this day. Because it is so pigmented.
Out of all of the highlighters, this one is the most pigmented hands down. The powder that comes in the container is loose so you have to be careful not to make a mess BUT if it requires very little powder to put on your cheek for anything to show up. So even though the container is not huge, unless you are wearing the highlighter every single day then this container should last you for months on end.
I also have a get ready with me video where I was using this highlighter so you can see how pigmented it is for yourself. And of course, hear a funny story by watching the video. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel by clicking here.
If you know someone who could use the information on this post and wants their cheek on fleek, then please feel free to share this information with them.
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