For all my professional ladies out there that want to diva up their cubicle, workspace, or office but you do not have a large budget to do it, don’t worry I GOT YOU! I am going to give you some amazingly cheap office supplies ideas that is going to match your level of boss chick, divaness, professionalism, and femininity.
Let’s get into it these amazing cheap office supplies that are going to blow your mind, shall we?
16 Cheap Office Supplies That Will Make You Look Fancier Than What You Are
# 1 Cheap Office Supplies ~ The Marble Office Set (Click here to buy)
A great option for cheap office supplies and a way to save money is to just buy a full set with everything already in it. Which is why this is the perfect set. It includes:
- A stapler made of durable metal with pretty marbling case.
- A mouse pad: designed with rose gold marble patterns.
- Tape dispenser: Whose appearance is simple but elegant.
- 2 Pack rose retractable gold crystal pens.
- 1 pair of stainless steel scissors shaped like the Eifel tower
- And 4 really fancy binder clips.
The perfect all in one desk decor set for the simple yet elegant professional woman and all this for the low price of $32.99.
#2 A REALLY Blinged Out Stapler (Click here to buy)
If you are the type of professional woman that loves to be blinged out then you are going to love the next few items. That will bring A LOT of bling and shine to your desk. The first is the stapler. For only $19.99 this faux crystal studded stapler can be yours.
#3 The Blinged Out Tap Dispenser (Click to buy)
If you really like bling why stop at the stapler why not go ahead and add the tape dispenser to the mix for $23.99. Fully decorated with high-quality sparkling rhinestones. If you are going to do it, why not do it all the way. And all this bling on your desk will tell people you are not playing.
#4 The Rose Gold Set (click to buy)
If you are a simpler and chic professional woman then you are going to want this rose gold set complete with an acrylic stapler, acrylic staple remover, acrylic tape dispenser, 1000 pieces rose gold staples and 10 piece binder clips. This set is a luxurious design made of polished clear acrylic with a high transparent appearance. Rose gold just has such a chic and feminine look, don’t you think? This set retails for $24.99.
#5 Diffusor (Click here to buy)
Nothing says boss chick more than having an office and/or cubicle space that smells like good. And this diffuser for only $19.99 will give you that effect. This diffuser is a wood color which makes it look more professional, chic, and sleek. Plus you can add some essential oils (Click here to buy) to relax you when your workday starts to stress you out.
#6 Some Fancy Pens (Click here to buy)
There is nothing that says I am fancy like some fancy pins with flowers on them. And these retail for only $10.99. You can choose to use them yourself, have them on display on your desk for decoration only, or have other people use them when they come to your desk to show how fancy you are. Which they are going to think if you hand them these pens.
# 7 Marble Paperclip Dispenser (Click here to buy)
Pretty much anything that is marble or rose gold is going to make you look fancy which is why you can get this marble paperclip dispenser for only $10.89. If you want rose gold dispenser you can click here to get one for $10.99 (Click here to buy).
#8 Echo (click here to buy)
I know what you may be thinking, how is this Echo apart of the cheap office supplies? BUT having an Echo is a life-changing experience and given all that it can do it is not that expensive. And why do you need this in your office you may ask? Because you can listen to jazz or ocean sounds while you work, set your reminders for meetings, or order more office supplies. This is really like having your own personal assistant that you do not have to pay on an hourly basis. BUT in this case, you just have to buy it once and this one cost about $50.
#9 Amazing Folders That Remind You Of How Awesome You Are (Click to buy)
There are three amazing things about this folder. They look fancy, they have wonderful words on them, and those wonderful words tell you how awesome you are. So in those days when you are just over it at work, just look at these folders and you should be in a better mood by reading the worlds to yourself. They are only $12.99
#10 A Coffee Cup
I cannot start the day without my coffee and what would make my coffee even better is a really fly cup to start off my day. Since there are too many to just choose just one. See some of my fancy coffee cup picks below. All of them suitable for the boss chick that you are.
#11 A Banging Brief Case (Click to buy)
This designer looking bag can serve as a briefcase, a laptop bag, or to carry your files in. Not only is it fashionable but it is also affordable and usable for work-related stuff. Even though it looks designer it only retails for $39.00 instead of the hundreds of dollars it would be for a designer briefcase.
#12 Fancy Reminders (Click here to buy)
If you have a habit of sticking notes around your cube and office then why not make the notes look decorative. As you stick the notes around your office, your desk will get fancier and fancier as opposed to just sticking those regular yellow notes all over giving your office a boring and regular look. Don’t be regular, use these amazing reminders retails for $13.98.
#13 Organizers (Click to buy)
For all those random things you have on your desk, it is such a good idea to have this cute and fancy organizer to put things in. Not only will it organize your desk but it will organize it in style. This one retails for $24.99.
#14 Mouse Pad (Click to buy).
Instead of having a regular, boring, mouse pad that everyone else has glam yours up with this one and it comes in multiple colors. I mean look at this mouse pad, tell me it does not scream “I have my stuff together and I am a boss babe now what?” This amazing sophisticated mouse pad retails for $13.99
#15 Blinged Out Tacks (Click here to buy)
How is this for fancy cheap office supplies? Let go of those boring multi-colored tacks and trade them in for these amazing ones that look like diamonds. I mean really think about this, do you want boring tacks or do you want tacks that look like diamonds? I think you know the answer to that. And these retail for $8.69 for 100 of them.
#16 Some Really Nice Boxes (Click to buy)
You can choose to store your files, papers, or whatever it is that you want to store can be stored in these boxes. And unlike those ugly plain boxes, these are actually decorative and are ones that you will want to look at. The boxes retail for $27.99 for all four boxes.
There you about have it folks these are the fanciest cheap office supplies office items that will have you looking like the upscale, classy, and professional women you are. And you did not even have to spend a whole bunch of money doing it. If you know a fellow professional woman that needs to glam up their office, then go ahead and share this post with her.
For all of my fashion and beauty oriented fashionistas then I have something free that you are going to FREAKIN LOVE. YES LOVE. It is my 100% free ebook, the Sophie-sticated Mom Stylish, Chic, & Modern Christian Women’s Year-Round Capsule Wardrobe Plan. That’s right your forever wardrobe. No more being the frumpy, bumpy, boring modest wardrobe, just because you are a Christian. Be Godly, frugal, relatively modest, chic, stylish, on a budget and look good doing it. Outfits for all seasons (spring, winter, fall, and summer) and most occasions work, casual, dates, gym, chilling or whatever and you will still be fashionable. Just click here or the picture below.
I’m totally a sucker for cute office supplie! My stapler has pink polka dots on it and I’m obsessed with it haha!
xoxo A
What a wonderful list! I really want to bling out my office supplies! But, I am a teacher. It might be a bit strange.
I don’t think so, its your office and if it makes you happy then go for it. I mean as long as you don’t go overboard I think you are good.