I was so hyped to write this post and to tell you about this replica. Because this Hermes belt replica is hands down the best fake Hermes belt out there and I got it from Amazon. In case you have been living underneath a rock these Hermes belts have been all the rage and I have been seeing them in Instagram photos everywhere. And being the budget conscious fashionista I am, I knew I was not going to get an authentic one and so off to Amazon I went in order to find a really good knock off. In all honesty, when I ordered it I was not expecting it to be such good quality. But it was and it was a pleasant surprised.
Before we get into the Hermes belt replica I have to show you the original. Below is a picture of the original belt. Notice the style of it and the box. This is very important because the fake Hermes women’s belt that I received from Amazon has the same exact, style, look, and even the same box. The real Hermes belt cost $815 while the fake one only cost me ONLY $27. Now I will get into the full review so that you can determine if this is worth the buy. (post contains affiliate links).
Hermes belt replica first impressions (Click to buy)
When I first ordered the belt it did take a long time to get to because it came from overseas somewhere but when I did get it, I loved it. I knew it was not a real Hermes and I just expected the belt to come wrapped in plastic or something. BUT NO it came in an actual Hermes looking box. Now, remember the authentic box and belt from above? Compare that to the one below. Don’t they look similar? Needless to say, I was very impressed by the packaging and the quality of the belt.
Hermes belt replica the quality
The next thing that amazed me about this belt was the quality. So when I first saw the pictures on Amazon I was skeptical, you know nothing is as it seems on Amazon sometimes. It was possible that I could have gotten a cheap looking belt with a plastic buckle that was going to fall off as soon as I wore it. Not the case. The belt is very thick, steady, and good quality and so was the buckle. It is not flimsy at all nor does it look cheap. It is made from split leather.
Hermes belt replica options
Since I did not know what to expect from this belt I started off with just getting this black belt with a golden buckle. It seemed the most versatile and if the belt was an epic fail it would have been no harm no foul. But as you can see from the picture below there are SEVERAL fake Hermes belts to choose from.
They have a few colors of the actual belt and for each color, they have about 3 variations of “Hâ€s that you can choose from. Upon having such wonderful luck with this belt I got some more of them in different colors and a different design. Below are some of the other belt colors that I ordered.
Blue & Silver (Click to buy) ~ I decided to get this color because I felt that it would look better with my jeans. I love the way the silver buckle matches the white stitching on the belt. They offer several styles on this colored belt but I preferred the shiny H.
Brown and Gold (Click to buy) ~ I was torn between the brown and silver or the brown and gold, either way, both of these styles are amazing. A brown belt is a great color to have for casual or dressing up. In this style, I chose a wider matte H which is one of the cheaper styled belts.
White and Silver (click to buy) ~ I just like the way the silver was paired on the white once again the belt is good for both a casual or work look. I chose the medium-sized H which is different from the others and it is somewhere between matte and shiny.
Red and Gold (Click to buy) ~ I really liked the combination between red and gold and once again I chose the matte medium H.
Hermes belt replica Pros
The pros of this belt are that it is a really good replica complete with a Hermes box and everything. The belt looks authentic and so does the packaging so if you do not want anyone to know that this is a fake, then they won’t. Also, a pro is that you will pay twenty to thirty-something dollars (depending on what style you choose) over $815 for the real thing.
Hermes belt replica Cons
The first con is that you may want to look carefully at the sizing. Although I picked the right size for my waist the holes on the belt started a couple of inches back which made for a much more snug fit then I would have liked. So perhaps order a size up. The second con is that it takes so long to actually get here, which I do not like waiting for my things. But both of these issues are fixable.
Hermes belt replica Overall rating (Click here to buy)
I will give this belt a 10 out of 10. It really looks just like a real Hermes and the packaging just adds on to the deception. PLUS I love the number of options that you can get. The colors and the different types of H’s. It really does make you want to go and buy many belts in many different colors. Because they are so affordable. If you are looking for a Hermes belt but do not have the Hermes money, then you must buy this belt. Click here to buy.
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I ordered from this listing and it isn’t a Hermes dupe anymore 🙁
Any suggestions?