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Being a mother can lead to a lot of emotions and I understand we all need a little encouragement. For me, that encouragement comes from God. The Bible is like your road map to encouragement and how to do things, following it will not steer you wrong.
This is why I am going to give you 10 of the best Bible verses to encourage moms in whatever situation you may find yourself in. No matter if you are overwhelmed, worried, or need help with parenting. These Bible verses will help you. And as always, I always put my little two cents in there to help you how even more.
Also, as a single mom myself, I want you to watch my video on my single mother struggle and how God helped me get through it just watch the video below and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
So let’s get into it
Bible Verses For Moms ~ Remember Stay Close To God
Bible verses for moms 1: Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30
This is the first Bible verses for moms because I know sometimes as a mom you wake up and look like who did it and what for. You barely have time to take care of yourself or you may not be in the best mood to be nice to people. Don’t get me wrong you should be nice to people and take care of yourself (click here).
BUT if you have days where you don’t it is not the end of the world. Charm and beauty are things of the world, what is going to really get you somewhere is to fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord is what makes you worthy to be praised.
Bible verses for moms 2: He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young. Isaiah 40:11
I wrote about this type of thing in my God can be a and a father to the fatherless blogs. In the end, God is always there with you. If your kids are wreaking havoc God is there if your children are out of line God is there, and if your children are getting all your last good nerves God is there.
God promises to be there for you as a mother and to help you lead your children to be wonderful children of God. Your responsibility as a mom is to stay close to God, and that way God can lead you and your kids.
Also, check out my video on how to become the type of woman that God wants you to be. Just watch my video below for more on that.
Bible verses for moms ~ When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed
Bible verses for moms 3: As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. Isaiah 66:13
The second of the Bible verses for moms is this one because as a mom, you can feel so overwhelmed that sometimes you want to lay down on the floor like your children and cry and/or throw a temper tantrum. But just like you do with your children whenever they are overwhelmed you comfort them.
So allow God to comfort you through a bad day, through hard time, and even when you feel you cannot get anything done. Never think that you are too old to NEED someone or to need to be comforted, let God be that for you.
Bible verses for moms 4: Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. –Galatians 6:9
As a mom, it can feel like you are just doing and doing all the time and you never get any reward for yourself. But never get tired of doing good and being a good mother, you will reap a good harvest.
If you raise good children and they become good adults that you can be proud of, that is your harvest. They can grow up and help take care of you for a change. But that will only happen if they are successful.
Therefore, never get tired of responsibilities because you want to reap the harvest of children who grow up into wonderful adults so you have peace of mind. If you are dealing with hell raisers and you continue to let them be hell raisers, they become adults that are in and out of trouble.
That you will ALWAYS be worried about. You can feel overwhelmed as a mother, but know that as a good mother, always being on top of your motherly role. Your parenting is for a reason. To see your children became good adults that will make you proud. So do not grow weary in your parenting duties.
Also, check out my video of a mom who grew to resent her child. Being a mom is hard sure but don’t get to a place that you are so overwhelmed that you actually resent your child.
Bible Verses For Moms ~ Do Not Worry
Bible verses for moms 5: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Maybe you lost your job, you have less money coming into the house, maybe your car broke down and now you are worried about how you are going to replace it. Trust in the Lord even when things are bad.
True story.
I was driving on the highway and there was an accident in the road in which I proceeded to run over some of the parts of the accident that were not cleared yet. Thinking at the time that it was no big deal. Well, something must have happened to the point that it punctured a hole in the fueling system of my car, which I noticed a few months later.
I took it to the shop and they told me it was going to be $2k to fix, which was not going to happen. I could have been mad that my car was jacked up or that I had to pay for a new one.
I could have thought that I was going to have some outrageous car payment. But I knew that I had lost my paid-off car and no I may not have liked it, understood it, or thought that I had the money to get the new car I wanted.
AND when I went into the dealership the salesman was talking crazy I could have thought the Lord did not know what he was doing. But it was then I prayed.
The Lord knew I needed a new car and I trusted Him to make it happened. I did not lean on my own understanding but just trusted that God was going to make a way and there was no doubt in my mind about that.
I walked out of the dealership that day because the salesman was not willing to work with me. Went home, prayed some more, and came back on Sat. That same day I walked out with my new SUV (click here to see my blog) at an affordable cost. So lean not on your own understanding when bad things happen and trust that God has something shiny and new waiting for you.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. -2 Timothy 1:7
I wrote a blog about fear. Fear is not perfected in love. It took me a long time to understand what this means because it is very natural to fear the unknown especially when everything around us is going wrong.
Check out my blog on when I was failing as a parent because that was a hard time in my life but I come to learn that having fear or worry about something is not going to change anything. The only thing it is going to do is make you crazy. Trust that whatever you want to worry about, that God is going to handle it.
Bible verses for moms 7: Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7
This should go without saying cast all your cares, worries, and/or concerns on God. As a mother sometimes we want to fix, fix, fix, and fix. But what happens when you can’t fix, then you worry.
As a single mother, I have gone through so many things, especially when it came to money. I never really got a steady stream of child support. After I got laid off from my job, the only emotion I felt was FEAR and ANXIETY.
And in those times I would do everything in my power to try to fix the situation but some of those things were NOT in my power and because I could not fix, I had more anxiety.
I got to a point where I was going crazy and I just gave it to God because I was tired of thinking about it. And guess what? God fixed it. Humbling yourself, realizing you cannot do something on your own, and then allowing God to fix it, is the best way to go when it comes to times of anxiety and fear.
Bible Verses For Moms ~ Bible verses for Parenting
Bible verses for moms 8: Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
When children are born, they are always learning and absorbing. Which is why training starts from birth. You cannot be a neglectful mother and then wonder what happened when your child turns 16 and he or she does not respect you or talks to you any kind of way. It is because you never trained them. It is never too early to teach your children right from wrong. The earlier the better.
Bible verses for moms 9: Be patient when you are being corrected! This is how God treats his children. Don’t all parents correct their children? Hebrews 12:7
There are so many parents that do not want to correct their children or discipline them. Understand that as God’s children He disciplines us because He loves us (read my blog here) to correct your children means that you are doing right by them.
Also, check out my video where I talk about the right and the wrong way to discipline your child based on Biblical principles. Just watch below.
Bible Verses For Moms ~ Which brings me to my next Bible verse.
Bible verses for moms 10: Discipline your children, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to their death. Proverbs 19:18
If you do not discipline your children then you are openly and willingly encouraging them to fail. As the above Bible verse says do not be a willing party to their death.
A child without knowing what authority and discipline are is going to be an adult that behaves the same way. So you are not doing your child any favors by not disciplining them AND God gives you full permission to discipline your child AND not to feel bad for it.
I hope that these Bible verses for moms, divorced mothers, single mothers, married mothers, or even widowed mothers. We may all be in different motherly situations but I promise you, we faced the same uphill battles.
Also, check out my book for single women for single moms which you can click here to buy, or if you are undecided then click here to get the first few chapters free.
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