Happy New Year. Can you believe that it is already 2016? Normally I stay home on New Year’s Eve and watch the ball drop on TV. This is because typically it is way too cold for me to try to go out. But this year I wanted to try something different. I wanted to go out and I wanted to be somewhere in which I did not have to walk outside. This is why the event at the Washington Plaza Hotel was where I wanted to go (the 14th Annual International Spy Gala).
Out of all the events in Washington DC there were certain characteristics I was looking for out of an event.
- Food that was included
- Open bar
- Somewhere that was inside
- An event for a more mature crowd. I am over 30 you know.
- Somewhere I could sit if my feet started to hurt.
- Somewhere that had people but was not overly crowded.
Therefore this event seem like the perfect event that fit all of that. Just to give you a rundown of the tickets I purchased it was the 9:00PM Admission Single Woman of Mystery I paid $139 for it. They also had other ticket options that was more expensive if you wanted to arrive earlier and be treated a four course meal and cheaper of you wanted to arrive later and only get the dessert bar along with the open bar and champagne toast at midnight.
Since I did not get off of work until 6:30 arriving at nine was the best option. I left my car parked at work and took the metro into DC. It was my first time taking the metro in DC. I am not really a public transit person. But it was convenient. When I arrived at my stop I walked a half a mile to the Washington Plaza Hotel. It was a struggle, but I needed the exercise. I got to the hotel around 7:15 and was able to be ready by nine.
The event was black tie optional. Many people probably splurged on their dress but not me. I got the top from Forever 21 for under $20 at the outlet mall and the skirt I got from Rue 21 for about $22 at the outlet mall.
The shoes and the clutch I got from the Burlington shoes outlet store at the same mall. The shoes were about $20 and the clutch was $14.99. The total cost of my outfit was $76.99. Which is not bad. During the event the “singles” were supposed to wear a mask so that they can be identified as singles. The mask were provided at the event and I for one that I felt matched with my outfit and wore it for the rest of the night. Not all of the single chose to wear the mask. To be honest there were not that many singles at the event. Most were couples. But it did not bother me though. There was also a wide range of ages and a culturally diverse event.
As for the food, there were about 4 different buffets.
- Middle Eastern Buffet
- Caribbean Buffet
- Cold Scandinavian Buffet
- Italian Buffet
At 10:30 they brought out the dessert buffet. There were also several open bars stationed throughout and a martini bar that the bar tender pour martinis out of an ice sculpture. Either into your glass or into your mouth. I opted for it to be poured in my glass. I was not trying to put my mouth on that ice sculpture. Just saying. There was also a mock casino. I decided to play Texas Hold’em. And yes I know how to play. And was holding my own at the table. At midnight was the champagne toast and balloon drop. After it was all over I went on the elevator and went back to my room. I did not need to drive, catch a cab, wait for uber, or walk outside. Everything was right there and I could have fun without having to worry about being a drunk driver. There were about five areas in which they played separate music in each and had a dance floor, one room had a live band. There were also several places to sit. All and all I recommend this even for mature people who are looking got fun, drinks, and food. I would not attend this event if:
- You are looking for a man since many of the people were coupled up.
- You do not like a diverse crowd and wish to stick to your own.
- You are really young and are looking to do something stupid at the party since many were professionals and either in their late 20’s or 30 and older.
- You do not like to dress up.
The next morning they had breakfast down stairs. You could choose the buffet or the order from the menu. I opted for the buffet. Check out was easy, they had valet parking and called for my friend’s car as we checked out. It is also notable to mention that those who were going to the party also got a discounted rate for the hotel and late
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