So I wanted to share some of the best products for acne scars and dark spots. As someone who has acne prone skin, I have always been on the lookout for the best products for acne prone skin. And the reason being is because I myself suffer from acne-prone skin from the time that I was a teen until the present in my 30s. The only difference between now and then is that I sought to educate myself on skincare so that I would not continue on in my 40’s looking like an acne pizza face teenager.

I KNOW right, the results are amazing, I had acne, hyperpigmentation, all of it, and these are the things that I attributed to my success. Also, consider checking out my video about how caring about your appearance is actually self care and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here.
1. The Best Products For Acne Scars And Dark Spots ~ Curology
The best products for acne prone skin that I could recommend is curology. I have been using this product for the longest and it is the easiest for me personally. The reason being is because you just apply it at night and it is the easiest thing to remember. Plus the formula that is in your Curology bottle is uniquely yours.
As in you send a picture of your skin from several angles and a medical professional comes up with an actual skincare regimen that is specific to your issues. Mine being acne and hyperpigmentation. And the best thing is that this is all done online, it is like having a personal dermatologist that is not expensive. Below is a screenshot of what the dashboard looks like and how they come up with your formula. To Curology click here.

2. Best Products For Acne Prone Skin ~ Makeup Remover Wipes
An important aspect of acne-prone skin, especially for those who wear makeup is to ensure that your makeup is washed off fully every night before you go to bed. Allowing makeup to sit on your skin without fully washing it off can clog your pores. Which will give you more acne? And I know that sounds all great but to be honest, I am SO SO bad at wiping off my makeup and there are times I will take a nap or not fully get the makeup off my face with just face wash.
This is why I recommend getting makeup wipes first, but particularly the ones with actual acne medication in them do wonders. Not only does it remove the makeup but it also adds that added layer of protection for acne-prone skin to prevent your skin from breaking out. The wipes that I recommend are. Two depending on the needs of your skin. The first is for acne-prone skin and the second is for clearing your pores, which is a great wipe if you are prone to blackheads.
Best products for acne prone skin, I recommend the Neutrogena Cleansing Wipes, Oil-free, Acne-prone Skin, Pink Grapefruit (Click here to buy). Ideal for acne-prone skin, these soft, pre-moistened facial cleansing wipes thoroughly cleanse the skin of pore-clogging impurities, all with an uplifting blast of pink grapefruit. AND grapefruit is good for your skin which includes, The vitamin C content in grapefruit acts as a gentle natural exfoliate while lightening dark spots and nourishing skin that has been damaged from prolonged sun exposure and aging, environmental toxins. In regards to body care, pink grapefruit’s excellent moisture keeps your skin looking healthy and vibrant.

And the second option is the Garnier SkinActive Purifying Oil-Free Cleansing Towelettes with Charcoal (Click here to buy). These oil-free makeup removing wipes for oily skin cleanse the face of pore-clogging dirt & cosmetics while mattifying & helping to control excess oil. The benefits of charcoal include, Activated charcoal draws bacteria, poisons, chemicals, dirt, and other micro-particles to the surface of the skin, helping you to achieve a flawless complexion and fight acne.

3. Best Products For Acne Scars And Dark Spots ~ Face Cleanser
For me personally when choosing the best products for acne scars and dark spots. I want something as easy as possible when it comes to cleaning my face. All these different steps are just not going to work for me. I can barely wipe my makeup off in the evening let alone go through 5 different steps to wash my face. This is why I tend to stick to one facial cleanser. And the one that I tend to like is the Neutrogena Naturals Acne Foaming Facial Scrub with Natural Salicylic Acid (click here to buy).

This scrub is great because it has Salicylic Acid, in my opinion, is the best acne treatment as it goes deep into the pores, clears them out, to prevent future breakouts and to clear the ones you have now. And since this is the Naturals version it is a lot kinder on your skin and not as harsh.
4. Best Prodcuts For Acne Scars And Dark Spots ~ Spot Treatment
If you have acne-prone skin it is always a good idea to keep a good acne spot cream in hand, for those pop-up pimples you need to get rid for fast. This should not substitute for your normal skincare routine but on those days where you have a date or something and you notice a pimple, this will help. Which is why I recommend the Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment. Clean and Clear is such a reputable brand when it comes to skincare and this product is affordable retailing for $8.79. The treatment has 2% salicylic acid acne medicine which is really effective for treating acne.

4. Best Products For Acne Prone Skin~ Deep Cleaning Charcoal Mask And Biore Strips

There are two products that I recommend for deep cleaning your pores. Biore Strips and Charcoal mask, they both work well for blackheads and pull them from the root. Each of the products is good for different occasions. Biore Strips (click here to buy), are quit and easy to use and are messless. The only downside for me is that you cannot use them on all parts of your face. Or I try to, I use the forehead strips on my cheeks as this is where I break out the most. But still, it is limited. I recommend using these once a week.
Charcoal Peel off mask is the new beauty treatment craze that works. And It is one of theb best products for acne prone skin. It is a lot like the Biore Strips but for your face. You peel it off and it digs deep down to cleanse and clear your pores. When your pores are clean then you have less acne. And remember all the benefits of charcoal, which is why to recommend using this once a week or once every other week to maintain healthy skin.

5. Best Products For Acne Prone Skin ~ Makeup Acne Fighting
This is for all of the makeup-wearing sisters. I personally do like wearing makeup but as someone who has acne-prone skin, wearing makeup could agitate your skin and thus agitated your acne. But not all foundation has to be like that and here is one that I LOVE and it works like a charm.
Neutrogena Skin clearing Makeup is one of the best foundations. I love it because it has acne-fighting ingredients in it and it comes in a lot of shades. This is a true story, I recommended this foundation to my friend who had amazing skin but she starts breaking out. She wanted her skin to look flawless so she decided to wear makeup to cover her skin. Other foundations make her skin break out and this one helped it. And that is because it actually has acne fight medication in it, that will treat your skin and not hurt your skin.

6. Best Products For Acne Scars And Dark Spots ~ Masks
Products for acne-prone skin does not just have to include products that are acne-fighting. It is also important for your skin to get the regular nutrients that it needs. Often time, acne-fighting skin products can dry your skin out. Which is why it is important to moisturize. What I have found to be helpful is a mask.
For acne-prone skin, I have found that using masks are really good. If I have a bad breakout literally I can put on a clay mask and the next day my acne will fade. Below are some really great mask options. A clay mask can be good for skin tightening, and peel mask is good for various things as well. Just use the mask for what your skin needs. For example, a moisturizing mask for dry skin, brightening mask for hyperpigmentation, and so on and so forth.
Last, I really like the sheet mask. Because they are faster than the peel mask and can be effective in nourishing your skin in a fast way. I personally like the variety pack so that I can provide my skin with whatever it needs at that moment. (Click here to buy).

Okay, so these are my tips and tricks to turn your skin flawless and as you can see I am speaking from experience. If you know someone who is suffering from acne-prone skin, then share this post with them and let them know some of the best products for acne-prone skin that is not going to cost them an arm and a leg to use.
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